Video & Animazione
Video & Animazione
A short film about the relastionship between the Human's world and the Animal's world.
di Anders Bigum
Video & Animazione
Versus - HD video loop 1:14 min
Versus points to the invisible boundaries within our society. Cultural differences build up and past on throughout generations, decades and millenniums. Walls of the mind... leggi tutto
di Doug Burton
Video & Animazione
Through an engagement with 3D computer generated reconstruction data and a process of drawing to create a stop motion animation, 'Temple of Bel' engages with this artefact at the end of its timeline.
The... leggi tutto
di Carla Chan
Video & Animazione
WHEN A CIRCLE MEETS THE SKY - The cold is a video reflecting on the intriguing relationships among nature, technology and human agency.
Shot in Melchsee-Frutt,Switzerland, the video of the installation... leggi tutto
di Dutem Schwöllen
Video & Animazione
The canon excerpt, from a series of improvised performances for string, resonator and amplified mouth-bit. The performer has a set of instructions, and positions the instrument so as to fit a wooden bit... leggi tutto
di Giorgio Garippa
Video & Animazione
The work portrays the masks that emigrants in the UK (in this case, from India) have to wear to cover their experiences and to assure their families in their original country that everything is settled... leggi tutto
di Christina Gednalske
Video & Animazione
This video performance explores capabilities and shortcomings of past and present body and place, reflecting on the parallels and possibilities between movement and memory, spaces and perception, and story... leggi tutto
di lea jazbec
Video & Animazione
Autoritratto- Dietro il riflesso 01 è l’ultima di una serie di opere, realizzate tra il 2009 e il 2016, che indagano la relazione tra tempo, occhio e corpo. Questo ritratto riguarda l’ intuizione dell... leggi tutto
di Heidi Kilpelainen
Video & Animazione
Heidi Kilpeläinen’s video ‘Implicated’ comments on the social ills and inequality of our time. Through her art Kilpeläinen wants to raise various social questions related to the market economy and neo... leggi tutto
di shahar marcus
Video & Animazione
The work "King of Falafel" is a continuation of Shahar Marcus’s video works that deal with Israeli cultural symbols, manifested by various food rituals. The current work takes place on the moon and depicts a... leggi tutto
di maya smira
Video & Animazione
Borderline is an interactive video installation, that was shot on the Israel-Egypt boarder line during constructions of the separation fence. The planned explosion in the landscape is a result of the... leggi tutto
di Riccardo Stellini
Video & Animazione
L'artista "tramite" Riccardo stellini intravede grazie alla visione profetica: "i piedi qui gli occhi altrove", un inciso di quotidianità, andando oltre le normali visioni standardizzate, rapisce, mescola ... leggi tutto