Pittura & Disegno
X-lite, from the series MATIKETO
Acrylic transfer and acrylic on canvas, 60x50 cm, 2015
X-lite is part of a series of paintings called MATIKETO, which focuses on the bond between universal images... leggi tutto
di Victoria Cantons
Pittura & Disegno
The imagery explores metaphoric and actual struggle through both the figurative and the abstract in a Neo–Expressionist style. Raw linen, by its nature and history of use in Modernist décor, suggests: re... leggi tutto
di Stefano Cesarato
Pittura & Disegno
Benché i termosifoni siano oggetti privi di qualità estetiche e ingombrino nelle case spazi che potrebbero essere altrimenti e meglio utilizzati, li ho resi protagonisti delle mie opere per dimostrare c... leggi tutto
di Christian Anstice
Pittura & Disegno
From a series of work inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet in which Hamlet discusses clouds and the shapes they make with Polonius: polyethene bags are depicted to hint at something dystopian.
di Giacomo Cossio
Pittura & Disegno
Con Questo ritratto di mio padre ho iniziato un lavoro sul corpo e sul ritratto.
Il ritratto è oggi un campo di profondissima difficoltà.
Come si fa a rappresentare una persona oggi e a farne il ritratto? A... leggi tutto
di Daniel Martin
Pittura & Disegno
Daniel Martin's work comprises explicit portraits of defiled faces, and the images have an unsettling expression. It feels like the portraits were deliberately damaged after the painting was completed.... leggi tutto
di Fernanda Feher
Pittura & Disegno
Fernanda Feher is a Brazilian multimedia artist currently living and working in Lisbon. In her work Feher subverts traditional portraiture by placing subjects in fantastic, sometimes impossible landscapes... leggi tutto
di Miho Iwahashi
Pittura & Disegno
mineral pigments on paper
Pittura & Disegno
Acrilico, pittura spray, carta, transfer su tela, cornice
di Nic Mason
Pittura & Disegno
O malleefowl yunggay is a portrait of my friend’s child Owen. He is unique and brave and beautiful. This painting is part of a series of paintings of my children and their friends playing with the m... leggi tutto
di Patrick Morales-Lee
Pittura & Disegno
This work is based on lost children pictures and links into my overall theme of identity, When does the path of identity alter? What events in life plant traits of identity onto the soul? Based on my own... leggi tutto
di paintsbi
Pittura & Disegno
A painting, reflecting the possibility of isolation in a positive way, not staying somewhere lonely, but stay with yourself in the midst of the crowd. The idea arouse from the famous theologist and philosophist... leggi tutto
di Vincenzo Punzo
Pittura & Disegno
Tecniche sperimentali, vernice molle, acquatinta, acquaforte su carta Magnani Pescia. 35x35cm.
Nella realizzazione di quest’opera sono partito da due componenti importanti per lo sviluppo del mio l... leggi tutto
di Susanne Schwieter
Pittura & Disegno
2016 / oil on canvas
A hand sits between color and a curved line. Hands normally produce meaning in gestures, especially in context with screens. The examination of gesture, form and screen shows here... leggi tutto
di Fiona White
Pittura & Disegno
Portrait of a Lion Tamer who is not very good at his profession.
di Doron Wolf
Pittura & Disegno
A group of people looking in the dark on a luminous piece of paper, which is lighted by the flash of the smartphone.