di Maia Anthea Marinelli
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Wind Playground is an immersive installation with a 57’ x 65’ footprint and rises to 18’ high. Leveraging the the Venturi effect, it sculpts and accelerates wind, allowing the audience to understand air c... leggi tutto
di Liz Walinski
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Growing“ is a Cyanotype Sculpture. Leaves of a Gingko plant grow upon the sculpture through a "photogenic drawing" technique. Due to the heavy rainfalls and sunshine nature is exploding. Cyanotype works w... leggi tutto
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
After 6 protoform
Ceramic, wood, soft liquid plastic, coffee, metal and sand.
Installation view, variable dimensions. 2016
MORE IMAGES HERE : http://www.celesteprize.com/artwork/ido:392078/
‘After 6... leggi tutto
di Benoit Billotte
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
The title is inspired by the term “insula” which refers to both the island (the habitat in Roman Antiquity) and the part of the brain that controls memory.
At the intersection of these two meanings, thi... leggi tutto
di Nina E. Schönefeld
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Get prepared to become the next Julian Assange. In case there would be a drastic political change in your country you will need special advice and gear to survive. The question is how to vanish from one... leggi tutto
di Kali Jones_Maurizio Ruggiano
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
La Certezza dell'Ombra - Con Adonis, di Kali Jones e Maurizio Ruggiano
La Certezza dell’Ombra, frutto di una lunga collaborazione tra Kali Jones e Maurizio Ruggiano, è una video-installazione girata in... leggi tutto
di Ana Maria La Rosa Sánchez
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Natural elements and space shapes, connected through the clay, water, wind, fire and the spirit, in a magical balance of harmony.
Ana María La Rosa, architect and plastic artist build and design interior ... leggi tutto
di Ingūna Levša
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
With disdain I find out that our thoughts and behavior are patterned by experiences from our childhood, our families, our friends, culture, and subculture. Sometimes our behavior is driven by these patterns,... leggi tutto
di Izabela Maciejewska
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Technique: painting installation
Motto: „And yet the rainbows exist. It is not just our imagination. And maybe the rainbow waves also exist? Wouldn’t it be worth to form an alliance with them?”
The descr... leggi tutto
di made by a machine
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
The work deals with the loss of original details in the digital translation of analog values.
Hereby two contradictory storage media are juxtaposed in opposition.
Nanometer values of the colors of the... leggi tutto
di angelo mancini gorenc
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Opera di Angelo Mancini Gorenc e Valter Adam Casotto
I principi ispiratori della serie HYPERSONAGEs, di cui anche la Monna Lisa è una istanza, ad un primo livello di lettura sembrano, e sono, piuttosto ... leggi tutto
di Matteo Montanari + Simona Cafagna
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
L'installazione è composta dal trittico di quadri "Senza Nome" (Tecnica mista polistirolo su legno) di Simona Cafagna su cui vengono proiettati in tempo reale tweet contenenti la parola "refugee" tramite ... leggi tutto
di Stefania Ruggiero
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
La mia ricerca si focalizza sui meccanismi dell’inconscio sociale che muovono i comportamenti e costituiscono l’uomo in quanto individuo.
Nello specifico con il lavoro Swing indago il mondo dell’archetipo, quell... leggi tutto
di Patricia Smits
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Appearance - Video Installation. Loop 10.06 min. 250x155x350cm. Portfolio film= 5.27 min
Large files: http://www.celesteprize.com/artwork/ido:392126/
An abstract Installation, shows an construction-concept... leggi tutto
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
SOFT_TARGETS is a series of hollow man-sized and metal shells, more sculptures than furniture, abstract and geometric but at the same time animalistic, scarabee like, and totemesque, that offer an immediate... leggi tutto