In Conflict Progetti
Waiting Girls
In Iran, death penalty is given to the children for the crimes such as murder, drug trafficking, and armed robbery. According to the Islamic Penal Law, the age when girls are held accountable... leggi tutto
di Simon Barth
In Conflict Progetti
Long before 2017, computer games, many of which depict the act of war quite specific have established themselves as the most widespread German hobby.
While many games try to invent their own guns and... leggi tutto
di Dieter Daemen
In Conflict Progetti
The series titled No Place Like Home was made during the 2016 European refugee crisis. However, instead of focussing on the outer borders of fortress Europe, No Place Like Home looks inward and shows how... leggi tutto
di alberto giuliani
In Conflict Progetti
SURVIVING HUMANITY esplora il futuro dell'umanità. Cambiamento climatico, incremento demografico, migrazioni e guerre. Seguendo l'opinione degli esperti, nei prossimi decenni dovremo affrontare enormi ... leggi tutto
di Francesco Levy
In Conflict Progetti
Ci sono molti modi per raccontare una storia e altrettanti per mentire nel farlo. Il mio è un viaggio all'interno delle storie e delle persone che hanno formato il mio nucleo familiare e di come questo ... leggi tutto
di David Palacios
In Conflict Progetti
David Palacios
Photo-Graphics Report (Nigeria)
Tribute to JD Aihumekeokhai Ojeikere
Natural Nation Hair Studio, Abuja, Nigeria.
The Photo-Graphics Report project is based on the series, Hairstyles,... leggi tutto
di George Selley
In Conflict Progetti
In June 2012 my father Peter was diagnosed with a Glioblastoma Multiforme grade 4, a type of brain tumour, and the most aggressive cancer that begins in the brain. Officially there is no clear way to prevent... leggi tutto
di Viktoria Sorochinski
In Conflict Progetti
“Lands of No-Return” (Chapter 1, 2009 / Chapter 2, 2016) is a long-term, ongoing project portraying the last remains of the authentic Ukrainian villages and their elderly inhabitants.
The current con... leggi tutto