Project for an Irish Landscape 1981

Project for an Irish Landscape 1981

di almudena crespo
In all my work, installations, photo and video, there is a constant tension between the actions of looking, seeing and perceiving. In the project I present for Celeste, the actions of looking, seeing...leggi tutto
Restricted Flora

Restricted Flora

di Ingrid Eggen
Human can express themselves using flowers. This is a series of floral motifs where I challenge the flower's position as aesthetic object and examine its symbolic value and its ability to speak without...leggi tutto


di Mateusz Sarello
SWELL Road. Winter. Void. Void of everything that is important. I am trying to think about the "road." I cannot. I am completely exhausted. All in all, I am going only because of the weather. The...leggi tutto


di Iori Endo
Pittura & Disegno
An unspoken pattern: movement № 12

An unspoken pattern: movement № 12

di Micaela González
Pittura & Disegno
The work of Micaela González explores narrative composition thought a language of fragments and reconstruction: "I approach my work as an editing process". Movement № 12 is part of the series An un...leggi tutto
The stitch is lost, unless the thread be knotted - I

The stitch is lost, unless the thread be knotted - I

di Rubaba Haider
Pittura & Disegno
I am a Hazara woman. My recent forebears lived in Afghanistan where they suffered severe oppression, genocide and pogroms, carried out by the predominantly ethnic Pashtun Taliban. In recent years the Taliban...leggi tutto


di huiming Hu
Pittura & Disegno
Un quesito: Chi è il padrone del mondo? Nella storia dell'Umanità, ci sono stati tanti " personaggi " che hanno avuto l'ambizione di assoggettare il mondo, anzi la natura, di conseguenza la maggior parte d...leggi tutto
Canis-Demensu to morning all

Canis-Demensu to morning all

di Yuko Kokubun
Pittura & Disegno
‘BIOTRON’ is my keyword – a chamber with an artificial climate control in which environmental conditions can be controlled to test the effects on organisms. I depict new species of magical creatures (char...leggi tutto
Threshold Composition no.20

Threshold Composition no.20

di Emmy Mikelson
Pittura & Disegno
The ongoing painting series titled “Threshold Compositions,” is influenced by Piranesi’s Carceri d'Invenzione and the emergent philosophy of Speculative Realism. The paintings embrace slowness where each ...leggi tutto
I've got a son, I've got a soul

I've got a son, I've got a soul

Pittura & Disegno
"I've got a sun, I,ve got a soul” is part of a larger project called Photo-Paint, a plastic contemporary dialogue. What I have proposed in this project it was rendering a forgotten reality or unnoticed, f...leggi tutto


di Zach Mory
Pittura & Disegno
By forcing myself to work within a particular, additive system (adding marks from the bottom of the page to the top and then cutting out the finished drawing), my most recent drawings address how we define...leggi tutto


di Giovanni Sartori Braido
Pittura & Disegno
Il mio lavoro è caratterizzato da figure enigmatiche dall’ aspetto artificiale e disumano; sono collocate all’ interno di spazi algidi e senza atmosfera, con chiari riferimenti alla grafica computerizzata, dand...leggi tutto


di Adrian Tone
Pittura & Disegno
"Untitled" Acrylic on watercolor paper, 48x96 inches, 2013
On Suspension

On Suspension

di Pamela Breda
Foto & Grafica Digitale
Riflessioni visive sul tema dello spiazzamento e della mancanza di punti di riferimento nell’ epoca contemporanea. Una condizione esperita con maggior intensità durante un soggiorno all’ estero: pur esse...leggi tutto


di claudio demicheli
Foto & Grafica Digitale
IL mio sguardo è attratto dai passanti che escono dalla zona d'ombra, la foto viene scattata in quell'istante prima che scompaiano di nuovo nell' oscurità.Esattamente quello che accade nella nostra e...leggi tutto
Visit Autostadt

Visit Autostadt

di Helga Kalversberg
Foto & Grafica Digitale
I like to combine Foto with new modern media


di Andrei Mateescu
Foto & Grafica Digitale
In the contemporary urban landscape, and it seems in particular in the romanian one, recently built residential complexes appear to be inherently paradoxical. They are marketed and presented as true oases...leggi tutto
Flower walk

Flower walk

di sabrina osborne
Foto & Grafica Digitale
This photograph was clicked in Maduria, the temple city’s flower market. I found myself absorbed in this riot of colorful flowers- burning marigolds, shy lotuses being sold by kilograms and worked in t...leggi tutto


di poli63
Foto & Grafica Digitale
NYC 2014. 5th Avenue. Taxi gialli e dinamismo occidentale abbracciano per un istante l’eleganza di un oriente proiettato verso il futuro. Osservo la città e mi lascio sorprendere.
Human Visibility

Human Visibility

di Ákos Rajnai
Foto & Grafica Digitale
One of the main inspirations for the series stems from the nature of the collection of Márta Kanics. The other component is a certain abstract reaction to all the senses and range of meanings this collection ...leggi tutto
Blind and Burt.

Blind and Burt.

di graeme robertson
Foto & Grafica Digitale
Blind child who was poisoned by his parents at because of his disability.
Froid's garage

Froid's garage

di Simone Nocetti
Foto & Grafica Digitale


di Jacqueline Tune
Foto & Grafica Digitale
Moussa Diary

Moussa Diary

di Emiliano Albensi
Video & Animazione
Moussa diary è un diario digitale. Racconti, pensieri, umori e sensazioni di un ragazzo di trentasette anni, venuto dal Burkina Faso in cerca di fortuna. Dove fortuna è sinonimo di lavoro e denaro da i...leggi tutto
On Fait Ensemble

On Fait Ensemble

di Ato Malinda
Video & Animazione
The video is about Mami Wata, an ancient African water spirit, who has been worshipped by Africans before the arrival of Europeans but came into recorded history in the 15th Century. It was recorded that...leggi tutto


di Younes Baba-Ali
Video & Animazione
Televendita is the result of an interesting – though quite unusual – performative collaboration between Baba-Ali and Alessandro Orlando, one of the most popular Italian TV salesmen. The video consists in ...leggi tutto
Fragments on Machines

Fragments on Machines

di Emma Charles
Video & Animazione
Fragments on Machines reveals the physical framework and materiality of the Internet, a vast network often thought and spoken about solely in abstract terms. Taking New York City as its central focus,...leggi tutto
Aqua et amor

Aqua et amor

di Elno
Video & Animazione
With this video creation we propose a trip. Guided by the thoughts of the protagonist. We propose: flashes, stutters, meanings that for their ephemeral nature could not be understood in the light of reason....leggi tutto
The Plastic side of the Sea

The Plastic side of the Sea

di tine fehr
Video & Animazione
Un ritratto audio-visuale dell'universo della plastica sulla spiaggia di Kamerina, un sito archeologico in Sicilia.
La Verite/Haqeeqat/The Truth Project

La Verite/Haqeeqat/The Truth Project

di saba hasan
Video & Animazione
La Verite/Haqeeqat/Truth is a conceptual, conversation based art project completed by me in May 2013 for the Delhi Museum of Contemporary Art: Sarai Reader 09 Exhibition,New Delhi, curated by Raqs Media...leggi tutto
New Empire

New Empire

di Sasha Litvintseva
Video & Animazione
My practice as an artist working in the moving image is concerned with the intersection of the real with the fictitious, and the mundane with the epic. My films explore the cyclicity and inevitability...leggi tutto
Arte Contemporanea?

Arte Contemporanea?

di stephanie marletta
Video & Animazione
Il video è formato da una serie di interviste realizzate a persone molto diverse tra loro, alle quali viene posta la stessa domanda “Cosa è l’Arte Contemporanea?”. Attraverso il montaggio viene innesca...leggi tutto
I am Micro

I am Micro

di Shumona Goel & Shai Heredia
Video & Animazione
Shot in an abandoned optics factory and centered on the activities of a low budget film crew, I am Micro is an experimental essay about filmmaking, the medium of film, and the spirit of making independent...leggi tutto
Towel and radiator

Towel and radiator

di Jacopo Trabona
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Towel and radiator is part of a series of sculptures that aim at the figuration of the ordinary through components that subtly sabotage its regular functioning. An uncertain relationship to plausibility...leggi tutto


Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Sit Shamshi bronse tableau (420mm x600mm x 100mm), wood framed vitrine, video projection of solar data from NASA SDO, Rear projection screen, movable geometric solids. Meditations on the cosmos have...leggi tutto


di Angle 24
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
We believe that every one has aggression, which a kind of hormone in the brain, had a role in controlling aggression as they do in some other fundamental behaviors like feeding and mating. For instance,...leggi tutto
I'll make you pure

I'll make you pure

di Anna Casazza
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
I’LL MAKE YOU PURE Performance Against Female Genital Mutilation. By Anna Casazza November 2011 - Rovigo - Italy In this performance, the artist is going to carry out an infibulation on a orchid f...leggi tutto
surface for three female voices

surface for three female voices

di Dario D'Aronco
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
It is a situation in which organic and inorganic converge together, three women are singing one note only (g-sharp) behind a structure. When one of them has to breathe the others continue to sing by...leggi tutto


di Gioia Danielis
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Andare alle radici per conoscere sé stessi. E' impossibile sbagliare. Tornare alle radici significa portare a compimento la nostra natura.  Più sei radicato più ti puoi elevare, così come l'albero radi...leggi tutto
Writing Piece

Writing Piece

di Shelbatra Jashari
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
A woman, clad in a black dress from toes to head, endures the fact of being wrapped up and not allowing light to enter her eyes during the whole evening at an art gallery.  Sitting on a chair, she offers ...leggi tutto
Marbles/ from the series Conversations: Hula Hoops, Elastics, Marbles and Sand

Marbles/ from the series Conversations: Hula Hoops, Elastics, Marbles and Sand

Installazione, Scultura & Performance
The installation Marbles conceived for the exhibition Invisible Violence at Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade is one of the site-specific installations from a series Conversations: Hula Hoops, Elastics,...leggi tutto
La sfida di Marsia / Verso il supplizio di Marsia

La sfida di Marsia / Verso il supplizio di Marsia

di Graziano Meneghin
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
La sfida di Marsia / Verso il supplizio di Marsia (The challenge of Marsyas / Towards the torture of Marsyas - Installation, 2010 – 2014, boxwood double-piped reed aulos 24cm, boxwood double-piped r...leggi tutto
Deriva (Adrift)

Deriva (Adrift)

di Giulia Talarico
Installazione, Scultura & Performance
Una foto della superficie di una prugna è mon- tata su una lastrina di ottone dorato e istallata in un angolo della stanza. Questo modo di riproporre l’oggetto (una la prugna) interrompe ogni vincolo co...leggi tutto