di hriech chourouk
Pittura & Grafica
Painting, Landscape, Ink, Paper, 220x120cm, 2012
My drawings are trying to explore times of passages from one world to another. Their starting points are architecture and city, urban environment... leggi tutto
di Candice Smith Corby
Pittura & Grafica
The invented fort structure implies a place where one can hide within and hide from troubles lurking beyond. This safe haven holds our own memories, dreams, or desires
di Stefano Bullo
Pittura & Grafica
"Bastano pochi tratti somatici e alcune linee di contorno per riconoscere in pochi millesimi di secondo una personalità mediatica, o la confezione di un prodotto di massa. I dipinti di Stafano Bullo traggono ... leggi tutto
di Catalin Petrisor
Pittura & Grafica
One Day Reality, 2013, oil and graphite on canvas, 30 x 42 cm.
This painting is based on a photograph I took of a print on paper with an image of a butterfly. The printed paper is cut on the butterfly's... leggi tutto
di Tibor Pogonyi
Pittura & Grafica
The series "Waiting for the Apocalypse" was inspired of two works by Peter Paul Rubens "The Last Judgement" and "Fall of the Damned". Some veiled people hanging in the air, on the verge of revelation.... leggi tutto
di Tomas Tichy
Pittura & Grafica
The painting "Billboard I" raises questions about originality in art, and on the other hand it is my own try to define my own place (as a painter) in global visual society.
In the foreground, you can... leggi tutto
Pittura & Grafica
This painting belongs to a series focused on a particular event, no matter which or where, just a Congress. Nevertheless, this is only a starting point. Almost all historical and political references are,... leggi tutto
di Johanna Strobel
Pittura & Grafica
Johanna Strobel, black painting - white painting, 2013, oil on canvas, each 180 x 165 cm,
Black contains all colors - everything arises from black to lose itself in white (Louis Bertrand Castel). In... leggi tutto