Series of abandoned office buildings made with charcoal on paper.
Foto & Grafica Digitale
The old addage "Many hands make light work" is the obvious inspiration for the title of this almost fractal image. 5000 hands with 25000 fingers woven into a safety net to catch those who falter.
Video & Animazione
In cielo esistono delle stelle, stelle binarie, sono una coppia di stelle eternamente destinate a ruotare attorno a un comune baricentro. Descrivono un'orbita che può durare poche ore o molti anni, nascono ... leggi tutto
Foto & Grafica Digitale
The day after my party
Foto & Grafica Digitale
di .
Installazione & Scultura
The Dead Dies (Il morto muore) è una collezione di immagini in divenire e scelte da diverse persone che alimentano continuamente l'archivio. Ogni foto presenta immagini di persone morte. Questa immagini ... leggi tutto
di Daniel Abad
Video & Animazione
Before filming a dream you first would have to get into it: How is it possible to get into a dream? If someone ever ended up in a dream he probably has no genuine proof of it. Dreams have this particularity... leggi tutto
di Daniel Abad
Video & Animazione
Video Art work filmed in Double Super 8 about Spanish Revolution in May 15th, 2011.
di Alec Von Bargen
Foto & Grafica Digitale
THE FISHERMAN, taken in Galle, Sri Lanka, is part of a series titled JOB DESCRIPTION which deals with individuals, their stories and the relationship between them and their place in the world. The aesthetics... leggi tutto
di Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitgemässen Blickfang
Video & Animazione
this video is about departure. it's made in the photomatic way: a number of photos arranged in such a way that they form a kind of movie. each photo is a symbol. combined with another photo a new symbol... leggi tutto
di Badabeam Badaboom
Foto & Grafica Digitale
This work is part of the ESCAPISM series:
What made me take it?First of all,
Escapism is a project where I was inspired by painting and the semiotics of objects. I let simplicity and powerful imagery... leggi tutto
di noam ben-jacov
Installazione & Scultura
The initial idea behind this work was to create a sort of performance, not a live one, but a static performance.
it is a combination of sculpture and theatre, a performance as installation. but remains... leggi tutto
di bo bob
Installazione & Scultura
Swim is a dialogue between The Mother and The Coward.
A square room full to its brim of dense red suspended thread that simultaneously embraces and suffocates visitors as they wade through. Heavily... leggi tutto
di Bonhomme Daniel
Live Media & Performance
In this performance - on the road since almost 10 years and always evolving - voices, unrecognizable little noises and homemade electronic music are mixed with prepared video sequences inlaid with improvised... leggi tutto
di Erika Lieschen Briel
Installazione & Scultura
In the Spring of 2011, I designed and upholstered my first architectural space; a nomadic trunk to house my collection of investigations about the material steel. The idea of the nomadic space developed... leggi tutto
di Asli Cavusoglu
Installazione & Scultura
sound, 7.16 min.
100 editions printed on 12'' LP
In January 1985, the General Directorate of the Turkish Radio and Television
Corporation (TRT) banned the use of 205 words on TV and radio... leggi tutto
di ChunTeng Chu
Video & Animazione
“The Rain in Spain stay mainly in the plain” is the phrase that Professor Higgins uses to train Eliza to pronounce the “A” sound in “My Fair Lady.” This phrase appeared constantly and it eventually became the ... leggi tutto
di carlo colli
Post 6159, 2011, smalto acrilico su carta (piegata),
cm70x70, packaging in cartone cm33x45x7
L'artista proiettando la sua ricerca più al processo che alla forma, piegando la carta per ridurne le ... leggi tutto
di Vittorio Comi
Installazione & Scultura
"Fertilità" è un'installazione/quadro. Rappresenta biomorficamente la fertilità della natura, ovvero la fertilità femminile raffigurata "courbettianamente" attraverso la materia organica, vivente e qui... leggi tutto
di Da Zain
Video & Animazione
A nature morte comes to life and plays out themes of love, making and war that lead to its ultimate demise. Vanitas is a tragi-humorous take on the dance of life and death as performed by the living dead... leggi tutto
di Joanna Dudziec
Photographed worn car printed on canvas have been modified by using acrylic paint and spray. This is an imagination of futuristic vehicle. It looks like modern monument: snow covered does not melt under... leggi tutto
di Leonid Dutov
Video & Animazione
The gates of Angkor Thom was built more then 800 years ago...
di Marcella Fierro
Foto & Grafica Digitale
Still Life With Objects is an exhibition that creates a short circuit already present in its title referring, apparently, to Still Life of Dutch Painters: paintings which art history has taught us to appreciate... leggi tutto
di Euan Gray
Hotel Bedroom is one of a series of works dealing with the subject of Tourism. Influenced by photography and film yet executed from life, the images in the series often focus on transition spaces like... leggi tutto
di Alek Grguric
Foto & Grafica Digitale
Western Triptychs Series
C-print photographs & graphics - hanging triptych
Three photographs provide for the discovery of anonymous landscapes. Yet, with the advancement of digital photo, GPS,... leggi tutto
di Grieve Perspective
Video & Animazione
Time passes, then time passes again. Its relentless workings make foolish our aspirations and we are left to feast upon the hopes that the dead have cast aside. Those who live, live off the dead.
di Manuel Hernandez-Stumpfhauser
Video & Animazione
A fast journey inside a mexican market called "La Cruz".
An experimental video with scents, colors, people, religion & special objects that make this place very special.
di Andrew Hollis
This painting is based on a number of images originally taken from encyclopedia from the late 1960s. My intention was to show something of the complexity of the the link between specific historic realities... leggi tutto
di Andrew Hollis
This painting is based on photographs from encyclopedia from the 1970s. Again my interest is the (im)possibility of the link between historic realities and the representations thereof, yet now I wish to... leggi tutto
di Reima Honkasalo
Installazione & Scultura
It is estimated that yearly, over 1.5 trillion dollars are spent on military expenditures worldwide (2.7% of World GDP).[1] -- The combined arms sales of the top 100 largest arms producing companies amounted... leggi tutto
di instant hutong
Installazione & Scultura
Blinking City is a project investigating the inadequacy of traditional maps to describe city environments characterized by fast pace transformation and urban growth, such as contemporary cities in China... leggi tutto
Video & Animazione
In the Long Run (2010) è la ricostruzione di un evento futuro, possibile e ad alto interesse mediatico. La morte della pop star Madonna viene delineata nel corso di un’edizione speciale del network BB... leggi tutto
di Isobel Blank
Video & Animazione
De frammentazione
"Comprendo di non essere altro che la somma delle mie sottrazioni. I giorni che pur non essendo più, mi parlano piano al mattino."
Sulla memoria e sulla corrispondenza uomo-macchina
La ... leggi tutto
di Hunter Jonakin
Live Media & Performance
Jeff Koons Must Die!!! is made up of a fabricated 80’s style stand-up arcade cabinet, and a simulated digital environment presented in a first-person perspective. Viewers must pay twenty-five cents to p... leggi tutto
Installazione & Scultura
La lotta al sistema si fa con ogni mezzi
di Abir Karmakar
I am proposing the two works 'Retake- The Holy Family" and "Pornographic Interior 3" because the two works together bring out the way I use the presence and the absence of the human body as a conceptual... leggi tutto
di sohee kim
Installazione & Scultura
Praying for withered and faded lives.
And the softly gleaming lights of the small lives.
I light a glimmer of hope for fallen birds for their wishes.
di Rajan Krishnan
My paintings are often described as depicting a post-human landscape where traces of human activity and presence have almost been entirely lost in what has come about after. I live and work in Kerala and... leggi tutto
di Davide Longfils
Foto & Grafica Digitale
Quella che molti uomini continuano a vivere come una lotta con la natura non è nient'altro che la ricerca di un fragile equilibrio di ogni cosa nel tutto universale.
di Luca Grs
Foto & Grafica Digitale
di Maria Nella Marangon
Foto & Grafica Digitale
" Vis a Vis " fa parte di un progetto di ricerca, in itinere, sull'identità, scaturito dalla necessità di mettersi a nudo attraverso l'autoritratto, approdando poi all'urgenza del confronto con l... leggi tutto
di shahar marcus
Video & Animazione
"1,2,3,Herring" video work presents the artist playing in front of three cardboard figure, dressed in a gray uniform, which looks like a uniform of World War II soldier or a pioneer’s uniform. The s... leggi tutto
di Marianna Merler
Installazione & Scultura
Questo lavoro sta a sottolineare i problemi del mondo (guerre, carestie, avarie alle centrali nucleari, inquinamento ecc.) ed è intitolato in senso ironico: "la pace nel mondo".
di William Miller
Foto & Grafica Digitale
These pictures are taken with a camera that is, by most definitions, broken: an old Polaroid SX-70 camera rescued from a yard sale. I’ve always loved this camera. It is an ingeniously conceived, complicated b... leggi tutto
di Brone Neverdauskiene
Installazione & Scultura
Ex oriente lux. From the East, not only science and technology innovations, but beauty always used to come to our lives. It is glorified in legends and tales, hidden in colourful carpet patterns and arabesques... leggi tutto
di Birgit Oestergaard
Installazione & Scultura
Let's talk
Installation. Woven bicycle inner tubes on old school chairs.
Why do not we never talk anymore, darling? The installation is a reflection of modern communications.
When... leggi tutto
di Jesús Olmo
Video & Animazione
Performed by Verónica Franco. Music by Mendel Kaelen http://www.mendelkaelen.com. Vocals by Karima el Fillali.
“There it is, the sea, the most incomprehensible of non-human existences. And here is th... leggi tutto
di Bettina Patermo
different ways to wear a headscarf
for many years now, female headscarves have served as one of the most controversial screens for the projection of ideological conflict.
my project approaches the issue... leggi tutto
di Elisabetta Perilli
Installazione & Scultura
Una sedia deformata, che perde la sua funzionalità, messa di fronte ad una televisione. Si può vedere tranquillamente seduti un pò di televisione? no, non ne vale la pena!
di Jimena Rincon PerezSandi
This is the painting of a storyteller, each bubble represents a different passage in your life and once it happens it stays in the past, you can't do anything to change it and you no longer have control... leggi tutto
di Rmoreno
Foto & Grafica Digitale
I spent some time taking pictures of several lost spaces from a perspective that was half artist, half documentary-maker. This gave rise to the collection entitled "Deshabitaciones" (Dehabitations) which... leggi tutto
di Graziano Russo
Video & Animazione
Esistono relazioni complesse nella Locride, dove ‘ndrangheta e quotidianità quasi mai si incontrano. Vita normalissima, diremmo. C’è qualcosa che rende questa terra calma e “anestetizzata”. I segnali... leggi tutto
di Matthias Schade
Foto & Grafica Digitale
support: aludibond / acryl
from the series "(un)defined space"
di Stefan Schwabe
Installazione & Scultura
It is a poetical moment when the invisible force
of nature enteres into our offices. A opend window,
a light breeze and not weighted papers fly. Orderly
stacks get shuffeled and data changes places.... leggi tutto
di Sebastian Contreras
Installazione & Scultura
Pappagallo di plastica, tessuto di cotone cerato, pelle, anelli di metallo.
di Sorina Susnea
Omniscient Continuums spring from conceptualizations of quantum events occurring at the sub-quark level - far beyond the event horizons of singularity, at the very moment general relativity fails. The... leggi tutto
di Abdullah Syed M I
Installazione & Scultura
The Flying Rug installation series arises from Orientalist myths and legends, the flying carpet of Prophet Suleiman, the Arabian Nights, and our desire for instant gratification. The sculptures also allude... leggi tutto
di Rebecca Dyer Szabo
Foto & Grafica Digitale
cava rosia, provincia di siena, panorama gradi 360+
di Ezra Thompson
My paintings examine motive and identity within the American media apparatus.
By forfeiting my own image, my portraits explore the dynamics between spectacle and spectator, the powerful and the powerless,... leggi tutto
di Three minutes ago
Live Media & Performance
Il pubblico osserva a 360° l’intera performance, che si svolge interamente all’interno di una teca trasparente posizionata al centro della sala.
All’interno della teca si trova un corpo seminudo, nascos... leggi tutto
di vertical submarine
Featuring thirty-six beautifully and elegantly illustrated swear words, of strong anatomical references, which are reactions to the quote ‘Humanity won't be happy till the last capitalist is hung with t... leggi tutto
di Fabian Weber
Video & Animazione
Fegurð – Beauty
is a fashion video produced in Iceland
Ida Gut’s timeless fashion perfectly matches the mystic and unique landscape of Iceland.
The breathtaking coulisse of an old abandoned shipwreck, a cr... leggi tutto
di Fabian Weber
Video & Animazione
Monsieur Du Lit is a short film comedy. The film is based on the idea of a talking bed telling us about all kind of intersting guests sleeping in the luxury suite and doing strange things...
This 6min... leggi tutto