di melanie cleary
Foto & Grafica Digitale
I explored questions of physical identity, beauty and dignity where people literally and figuratively recreated themselves through their ‘performance’ and where their self-presentation created a curious dig... leggi tutto
di Eric Hynynen
Video & Animazione
The Finn is a darkly comic, melodramatic tale from the frozen north.
di Mike Rathbun
Installazione & Scultura
Site specific installation, 190 linear feet circle passing through 2 galleries and a court yad. the culmination of everything I have done before. http://www.boiseartmuseum.org/exhibit/current.php
Live Media & Performance
La carne è fatta di tutto, ed è un conduttore di mondi con i quali cerchiamo una qualche forma di dialogo, di negoziazione. Io racconto questo cortocircuito, il cortocircuito della magia del tocco e d... leggi tutto
Live Media & Performance
"To be or not to be?" La domanda è fatta remixando le parole di Sir Laurence Olivier, nel suo Amleto.
Nella performance gli strumenti alla base dell'interaction design vengono sottratti alla bulimia ... leggi tutto
di A-li-ce
Live Media & Performance
Live video : A-li-ce / Live sounds and music : André Fèvre and Domitille Sanyas / HOMEMADE COLLECTIF - http://homemadecollectif.com
Creation at MAKI Slaughterhouses, Angoulême and Les Pixels Transversaux, Pa... leggi tutto
di JeongHo Park
Installazione & Scultura
Notes on artwork: The box has a story.
A story is separated into four groups (Music, Media, People and Sport).
The four groups mean that important things in the media world.
The media world influences... leggi tutto
di Chinmoyi Patel
Video & Animazione
“Shall We?" presents the artist playing dinner host to a party of four. While the guests freely talk, raise glasses and motion to pass food, the occasional passer-by and the signage surrounding disrupt t... leggi tutto
di Scott Draves and the Electric Sheep
Video & Animazione
Generation 244 is a non-looping, 39 GB infinite animation, 1920x1080p, made by custom genetic algorithm on a distributed supercomputer. It plays back on a screen or in projection.
The piece is a... leggi tutto
Foto & Grafica Digitale
These houses are lying there empty, in abandoned and isolated areas, waiting for somebody to move in or for someone to finish them.
Bitter memories left by the spectral and temporary nature of the property... leggi tutto
Foto & Grafica Digitale
These houses are lying there empty, in abandoned and isolated areas, waiting for somebody to move in or for someone to finish them.
Bitter memories left by the spectral... leggi tutto
di Lynette Bester
Installazione & Scultura
Untitled (Medusa), was originally a sculpture created in 2005. The violin was bought from the University of Cape Town, and was then disassembled from its known and recognisable whole through smashing it... leggi tutto
di Bonhomme Daniel
Video & Animazione
One line, two dots, and there it is: a human being.
Alone at first, wandering, wondering.
Then another line, another being, or is it just a reflection?
di davide coluzzi DAZ
Live Media & Performance
installazione video interattiva.
Davide Coluzzi DAZ analizza il limite tra realtà e immaginazione, nell'esasperazione dei giorni nostri, dell’individualismo e del potere me... leggi tutto
di Frank Fantom
Live Media & Performance
KLICK oder BLITZ ([kl=8;k] [G2;oH0;dər] [bl=8;ts]) search in the basic forms of sound and light combing visual and aural concepts and constructions.
The two performers relate the two media as nature... leggi tutto
di Frank Fantom
Live Media & Performance
Underwater is an audio-video instrument that represent the space of an underwater dream. The water is poured in an aquarium of Plexiglas with four underwater-microphones placed on the bottom-corner of... leggi tutto
di Jonathan Gillie
Video & Animazione
Produced for Race For the Prize group show, part of the British Art Show Fringe. Higgs Bridge started life as a sketch of a mysterious looking shed/beach hut I encountered near Camber Sands. I started... leggi tutto
di Grieve Perspective
Video & Animazione
Count the years. Now count them backwards. Notice any difference?
di Nathan Harger
Foto & Grafica Digitale
Cleveland, OH 2010.
di Nathan Harger
Foto & Grafica Digitale
Brooklyn, NY 2010.
di Reima Honkasalo
Installazione & Scultura
The Light Mincer is a one-of-kind sculpture (with lamp) made of recycled and disposed materials. The only part that is new is the light bulb. The question pondered is: "What is the lamp producing – except l... leggi tutto
di Maurice Mbikayi
Plastic cut, pc keyboard,usb cables and collage on fabriano paper
di Ekaterina Panikanova
Con ” paradise.book online!” opera realizzata su un insieme di vecchi quaderni di studio sul catechismo e fumetti, si indaga sull’effetto prodotto dall’uso-abuso quotidiano della web e la facilità del pot... leggi tutto
di Ameen Roayan
Video & Animazione
Vistas is an experimental infographic presenting 4 different points of view that deal with the perceptions of the humans internal & external world...
R06;'If you can only see what light reveals ... leggi tutto
di Stefan Schwabe
Installazione & Scultura
Troblion is an autonomous spherical robot that rolls in an oval partially irrigated sandbox. Following very simple programmed rules the sphere already creates a great variety of different motion characteristics... leggi tutto
di Levente Sulyok
Installazione & Scultura
This sculpture is made of a cardboard box, black packing tape, recycled wood and paint.The white pallet disassembles into short planks and packs into the box for shipping. As the box travels from location... leggi tutto
di Anna Tihanyi
Foto & Grafica Digitale
This series is my personal analogy on the tale Alice in Wonderland, except my character is lost in her own life. Her only clues in the forest of growing up are her balloons, and other childhood attributes.
di Bruno Vianna
Live Media & Performance
Wordly heavens is an open-air poetic performance. A video with poems in projected against the empty sky.The audience is invited to fly kites so that a projection surface is created and thus the text is... leggi tutto
di [ON]iride [ON]iride
Live Media & Performance
Audio-Video Performance, proiezione immersiva su 3 schermi della durata di circa 30 minuti.
Astrazioni geometriche in movimento, generate dall'ordinamento di cubi che danzano, costruiscono... leggi tutto
Series about everyday commuting in a global world.
di Andreij Ebenizer Pollister
Video & Animazione
Il cerchio, come semplicità ed elemento perfetto, materico ed ideale al tempo stesso, diventa in questo caso simbolo portatore di un'essenza condivisa, vissuta da protagonisti casuali come realtà pulsante.
Prende v... leggi tutto
di bo bob
Installazione & Scultura
A prop left by The Comedian for The Astronaut.
It was only a joke but it became part of the furniture and now The Comedian can't remember why it was funny.
di Carla Fache
There is a tendency in my work to synthesize fragments of the reality, the future and the emotions. Structures and colors in the painting are combined to reflect this intention. There is also a preference... leggi tutto
di Asli Cavusoglu
Foto & Grafica Digitale
The Demolition of the Russian Monument at Ayestafanos
6 Photographs, 2011
31.5x26.5 cm (each)
After declaring war against Russia in 1914, the Ottoman government decided to demolish the Russian monument... leggi tutto
di Alek Grguric
Live Media & Performance
Ink on Washi (Japanese handmade paper)
Computer, monitor, plotter, shelf
200 x 200 cm installation
Includes twenty 30 x 30 cm pieces
A hybrid system is a dynamic system that exhibits both continuous... leggi tutto
di instant hutong
Installazione & Scultura
Carpets are representing different maps of Hutong areas in downtown Beijing with a size of approximately one square kilometre and a population of 30000. Each of them has been isolated and presented as... leggi tutto
di Viola Mondello
Video & Animazione
La casa, per come ce la immaginiamo, possiede una chiara valenza interiore ovvero, un simbolo attraverso il quale l'inconscio costruisce la propria struttura nei sogni. E’ un luogo in cui l'uomo si rapporta e... leggi tutto
di Syagini Ratna Wulan
Installazione & Scultura
“BiblioTea” is an interactive and playfully acerbic work by emerging Bandung artist Syagini Ratna Wulan. Made specially for Art HK 2011, “BiblioTea” invites viewers into an imaginary bookshop-cum-tea house w... leggi tutto
di Ernesto Romano
Foto & Grafica Digitale
This is one of my works about 'complementarity'.
We see an extraordinary correspondence between the man and the statue, and a complementarity of the two heads, the arms, the carried objects, the directions... leggi tutto
di Levente Sulyok
Work presents the word COLLAPSE with the letters stacked on one another. References are made to the collapse of pictorial space, the meaning of language in advertising slogans, as well as to economic stability.... leggi tutto
di Angelo Zani
"Perché i vivi non ricordano gli occhi di"
Ernst Lossa (1929 - 1944), morì all'età di 14 anni in un manicomio nazista dove faceva da cavia. Sopravvisse più di ogni altro, "rubando" attimi di vita agl... leggi tutto