di Carla Fache
There is a tendency in my work to synthesize fragments of the reality, the future and the emotions. Structures and colors in the painting are combined to reflect this intention. There is also a preference... leggi tutto
di Joanna Dudziec
Photographed worn car printed on canvas have been modified by using acrylic paint and spray. This is an imagination of futuristic vehicle. It looks like modern monument: snow covered does not melt under... leggi tutto
di Euan Gray
Hotel Bedroom is one of a series of works dealing with the subject of Tourism. Influenced by photography and film yet executed from life, the images in the series often focus on transition spaces like... leggi tutto
Foto & Grafica Digitale
These houses are lying there empty, in abandoned and isolated areas, waiting for somebody to move in or for someone to finish them.
Bitter memories left by the spectral and temporary nature of the property... leggi tutto
Foto & Grafica Digitale
These houses are lying there empty, in abandoned and isolated areas, waiting for somebody to move in or for someone to finish them.
Bitter memories left by the spectral... leggi tutto
di melanie cleary
Foto & Grafica Digitale
I explored questions of physical identity, beauty and dignity where people literally and figuratively recreated themselves through their ‘performance’ and where their self-presentation created a curious dig... leggi tutto
di Anna Tihanyi
Foto & Grafica Digitale
This series is my personal analogy on the tale Alice in Wonderland, except my character is lost in her own life. Her only clues in the forest of growing up are her balloons, and other childhood attributes.
di Bonhomme Daniel
Video & Animazione
One line, two dots, and there it is: a human being.
Alone at first, wandering, wondering.
Then another line, another being, or is it just a reflection?
di Lucas Borras
Video & Animazione
Official music video for the band Hyperpotamus.
'De Camino' from his new album 'Delta', coming out after the summer 2011.
di shahar marcus
Video & Animazione
The video leap of faith starts with a shot of the artist wearing a suit, standing on the window’s edge, getting ready to make the leap of his life to the wide open space. The artist is hesitating, having d... leggi tutto
di Viola Mondello
Video & Animazione
La casa, per come ce la immaginiamo, possiede una chiara valenza interiore ovvero, un simbolo attraverso il quale l'inconscio costruisce la propria struttura nei sogni. E’ un luogo in cui l'uomo si rapporta e... leggi tutto
di Chinmoyi Patel
Video & Animazione
“Shall We?" presents the artist playing dinner host to a party of four. While the guests freely talk, raise glasses and motion to pass food, the occasional passer-by and the signage surrounding disrupt t... leggi tutto
di Brone Neverdauskiene
Installazione & Scultura
Ex oriente lux. From the East, not only science and technology innovations, but beauty always used to come to our lives. It is glorified in legends and tales, hidden in colourful carpet patterns and arabesques... leggi tutto
di Elisabetta Perilli
Installazione & Scultura
Una sedia deformata, che perde la sua funzionalità, messa di fronte ad una televisione. Si può vedere tranquillamente seduti un pò di televisione? no, non ne vale la pena!
di Mike Rathbun
Installazione & Scultura
Site specific installation, 190 linear feet circle passing through 2 galleries and a court yad. the culmination of everything I have done before. http://www.boiseartmuseum.org/exhibit/current.php
di nicole riefolo
Installazione & Scultura
Boreale è un planisfero celeste‚ come quelli che usavano esser dipinti nelle sale geografiche dei nobili dal tardo medioevo in poi‚ quello raffigurato è l’emisfero boreale‚quello nord‚ a maggio.
Ogni costellazio... leggi tutto
di Stefan Schwabe
Installazione & Scultura
Troblion is an autonomous spherical robot that rolls in an oval partially irrigated sandbox. Following very simple programmed rules the sphere already creates a great variety of different motion characteristics... leggi tutto