di Jane Lee
Turned out II challenges the practice of painting itself; what constitues a 'painting', and how painting can be made.
In this work, painting's conventional support-the canvas, the wall- becomes'paint',... leggi tutto
di Maurice Mbikayi
Plastic cut, pc keyboard,usb cables and collage on fabriano paper
di Jimena Rincon PerezSandi
This is the painting of a storyteller, each bubble represents a different passage in your life and once it happens it stays in the past, you can't do anything to change it and you no longer have control... leggi tutto
di Jimena Rincon PerezSandi
"Born" depicts the exact moment when you realize there has been a big change in your life and after being afraid of what was happening you start over and leave it behind, moving on to new and different... leggi tutto
Foto & Grafica Digitale
The old addage "Many hands make light work" is the obvious inspiration for the title of this almost fractal image. 5000 hands with 25000 fingers woven into a safety net to catch those who falter.
Foto & Grafica Digitale
An Australian Aboriginal man , painted, wearing a kangaroo pelt, sits playing a didgeridoo; as Aborinals have done for over 30 000 years.
A stark contrast exists between this man and contemporary musicians... leggi tutto
di melanie cleary
Foto & Grafica Digitale
I explored questions of physical identity, beauty and dignity where people literally and figuratively recreated themselves through their ‘performance’ and where their self-presentation created a curious dig... leggi tutto
di Daniel Abad
Video & Animazione
Video Art work filmed in Double Super 8 about Spanish Revolution in May 15th, 2011.
di Arbeitsgemeinschaft für zeitgemässen Blickfang
Video & Animazione
this video is about departure. it's made in the photomatic way: a number of photos arranged in such a way that they form a kind of movie. each photo is a symbol. combined with another photo a new symbol... leggi tutto
di Leonid Dutov
Video & Animazione
The gates of Angkor Thom was built more then 800 years ago...
di Manuel Hernandez-Stumpfhauser
Video & Animazione
A fast journey inside a mexican market called "La Cruz".
An experimental video with scents, colors, people, religion & special objects that make this place very special.
di Eric Hynynen
Video & Animazione
The Finn is a darkly comic, melodramatic tale from the frozen north.
di Reima Honkasalo
Installazione & Scultura
The Light Mincer is a one-of-kind sculpture (with lamp) made of recycled and disposed materials. The only part that is new is the light bulb. The question pondered is: "What is the lamp producing – except l... leggi tutto
di Reima Honkasalo
Installazione & Scultura
It is estimated that yearly, over 1.5 trillion dollars are spent on military expenditures worldwide (2.7% of World GDP).[1] -- The combined arms sales of the top 100 largest arms producing companies amounted... leggi tutto
di sohee kim
Installazione & Scultura
Praying for withered and faded lives.
And the softly gleaming lights of the small lives.
I light a glimmer of hope for fallen birds for their wishes.
di Mike Rathbun
Installazione & Scultura
Site specific installation, 190 linear feet circle passing through 2 galleries and a court yad. the culmination of everything I have done before. http://www.boiseartmuseum.org/exhibit/current.php
di vertical submarine
Installazione & Scultura
A View with a Room is about text, image and object, and demonstrates the disjuncture between these categories. The installation begins with detailed desc riptions of spaces. From a word found amongst the ... leggi tutto