di Andy Others
Video & Animazione
"Going back to these origins, The city is a natural scape" - Sonic Youth.
Misteriosi circuiti vagano tra le immagini di una città contemporanea generando visioni che svelano la resistenza dell'animale ... leggi tutto
di Pia Lindman
Video & Animazione
This video is about the poisonous “acid factory” in Ekaterinburg, Russia. The factory has shut down its production (refining gold and platinum), but the building remains as architecturally significant. Ye... leggi tutto
di shahar marcus
Video & Animazione
In the video work home coming artist you can see the artist Shahar Marcus driving with his parents in his hometown Petah Tikva which is a small city near Tel Aviv. During the ride the people of the town... leggi tutto
di shahar marcus
Video & Animazione
in the video we can see Marcus reading an apocalypse from the book of Ezekiel while tearing off and consuming his own colonel medals. By tearing off his own medals, Marcus is performing an action which... leggi tutto
di Pooja Iranna
Video & Animazione
Calm and composed
Upright it stands, in perfect harmony
Amidst the ups and downs of life
Unshaken, unstirred by its cacophony
Wapped in a veil of disconcerted conceit
Till it can take no more...
Weighed... leggi tutto
di marinella senatore
Video & Animazione
60 people took part, recreating together with the artist, a succession of events of which they had not been direct witnesses. Amongst the participants were a group of rappers from Harlem (NYC) who took... leggi tutto
di Paula Sunday
Video & Animazione
Sul comodino di una camera da letto di un basso napoletano si palesa una schiacciante verità: anche a Napoli, città in cui il culto religioso è sempre stato spiraglio di luce e salvezza, lo scetticismo de... leggi tutto
di Alexey TEREHOFF
Video & Animazione
I've had an idea for a long time to make a pseudo–3D, to animate photos. I worked on this project for five years, studying the essential methods and testing the graphics. And when I heard the LIGHTS s... leggi tutto