

A hybridized textile between the European "I clear" and the Oriental "I blurred" is the constant transversality on which the work rests, a testimony of my own life experiences.

I work in the study of vital spaces from a Foucaultian optical, on focusing the research on the coextensive relationship between power, resistance, creativity and life. The statalized biological discourses of the late XIX century and early XX century founded the biopower and the present "era of the biopolitics"; evidenced by means of the "normalization" of disciplinary procedures and medical-normalizing techniques, the human being has been converted into an object ("manufactured subject") and the life an object of the exercise of power of the State. A paradigm of post-Fordist subjectivity that presents two conveniences: the machine body or social body (the life directed to produce more), and the specie body or individual body (the life as a clinical history). Precisely, where live the power relations, lives the power and thus there is the resistence.

Embedded of this intimate relationship between life, resistance and creation from a retentive of the East, I raise a subtle and propositive work that becomes resistance. The resistance is the Emptiness, is the dynamic element " the power to be ", is the vital space and the social habitat, is the imperceptible and moulder of our most direct reality, is intimacy as synonym of freedom, is the Idea converted into gesture, is a movement that segregates and absorbs. The human being is the living pulse of it, is the Huberman´s "imago", is the creation´s spelling and the self-transformation proclaimed by Jean Paul Sartre, is the freedom´s practice, or at least, the attempt.