Onthoud Mij
Bos Dromen Modern Danu

Beyond Dreaming

A collection of surreal works referencing mythology, fable and folk tales and an obsession with collecting memories.
Inserito 5 anni fa
Memento Mori 3
Daises RootsWatch the Crocus Grow

Earth for Flowers

Life and death; full of symbolism, mysticism, controversy. These collages explore the life cycle, tapping on sentiments such as Memento Mori, spiritual ascension, transformation. Whatever your beliefs...leggi tutto
Inserito 6 anni fa
Babbo, Pappie, Abbi, DaddyDanu and the LotusesDawn of LotusesLife Games

Being Mouder

The female birthright; to conceive, carry, birth and raise a child like generations before us have done. With this newfound insight into ourselves and our capabilities, we are re-invented, changed undeniably...leggi tutto
Inserito 6 anni fa