The project was born from the merger between memories and life necessities. The boards consist of x-rays and photographs superimposed in transparency are the metaphor that wants to make us mindful of what we are. human beings with a history, precedent and prior to ourselves, but also everyday, sometimes forgotten, that lives in a part of us becoming oracle who ask questions, soliciting memories inherent in each one where to seek answers. Through reflections that convey intimate personal and family memories of the artist, the works seek to solicit images and situations dear observer in the unconscious, with the assumption to expand its personal memory in a wider collective memory. The whole of a lived space, enclosed and become mental space, a synthesis of perceptions and memories at the base of our genetic heritage. The project took shape in a twilight space where the backlight of the individual tables transforms the surrounding space in a mystical environment, spiritual medium between life and death, between present and past.