For me, all life is a painting and my transformation series is a metaphor for life unfolding. In these works I use colour as the material of life energy. All works have clear bands of primary colours to represent the human child; pure, fresh, vibrant and energetic. In each work the primary colours become gradually mixed into fluid, dynamic patterns to symbolise the transformations that occur during any life journey. As humans grow and develop they are socially conditioned in many ways: by family, community, nationality, culture, and religious or political ideologies. In childhood the rules like the colours appear clear and simple: this provides a sense of certainty and a perception of psychological security. As humans advance through life they experience greater complexity and uncertainty. External influences and life experiences transform them into very different beings. Life situations and events present challenges that reveal hidden motives, create psychological discomfort and confront patterned beliefs and values embedded by childhood socialisation. Some people and some societies are open to this transformation process and for others it is a painful struggle.