Era is about the analysis of dynamics, balance, and behavior of matter, especialli it's gravitational dynamics, characteristics that is inherent in the human, earthly life. When i say "Era", i do not refer to time passing, or a historical period, or the calculation of the years elapsed from a certain point in time. No narration or rappresentation of reality ins involved. "Era is the image showing itself, it is appearance that turns into the very shape of existence. The evolution of gravity is in the artistic action, where acting is the oblivion of theaction through the dismemberment of self. Nothing you do can reach its goal in order to become immediate event1. Hence, it is time that appears to evolve within the timelessnes of the vision that i feel manifests itself in the act of seeing and seeing again as if it were the first time. 1.Vita di Carmelo Bene, op. cit., pag. 237 Giuliana Storino