Reporting System is an interdisciplinary association for contemporary art which promotes creative processes in public space. Founded in 2004 by Gennaro Castellano, artist and programme coordinator, and Antonella Annecchiarico, public administrator, it works since 1998 as progettozingonia. The aims, focusing on particular topics like territory, society and intercultural issues, are to promote relationships between contemporary art and different spheres of knowledge. A relevant part of the research of Reporting System is to conjugate both the renewal of the contemporary artistic language and a real political and social engagement. Reporting System operates in network with other interdisciplinary groups and significant Italian cultural institutions which propose art and culture as a ground of discussion and listening. What characterizes the researching work of reporting system is the osmosis between the system of art and society in which contemporary art becomes a process that articulates new lectures and visions on public interest’s questions. Reporting system participates in meetings, workshops and international expositions such as the biennial of Seville in 2006. zingonia: arte integrazione multiculture Between 1999 and 2002 in Zingonia the plan has proposed and experienced the involvement of artists in direct relation with the territory, concentrating the attention on the topics of migration. With the aim to create a convergence of vision and attempts on problems that interest the society like territory, relationships, citizen’s rights and intercultural dynamics. Through the neutral ground of art the project proposes listening and dialogue, increasing the action to social, political, and economic sphere. voyages croisés: 2003_2005 Voyages croisés is a contemporary art project in which personal relations, knowledge and cultures interrelate. It takes into consideration intercultural issues extending to sociology, human and political sciences. It started in 2003 with a partnership between REPORTING SYSTEM and HUIT FACETTES INTERACTION and other interlocutors: intellectuals, politicians, public administrators and NGO. Through the voices of African and Italian representatives the project intends to draw the attention on the complexity of intercultural dialogue and the role of culture, starting from some important subjects: democracy, economy, development, religion and migration. cartello n°1 interculture, 2006 Trying to dialogue between cultures. The project experimented a work in synergy with some cultural associations of different nationalities, which were operating on the territory of Milan, creating a net of relationship and focusing on a performance which was carried out in a space of contemporary art. The project started with the individuation of the associations in function of their representativeness and their commitment in intercultural dialogue through a process of acquaintance and negotiation. The event involved actors generally not connected with the system of contemporary art in cultural processes. drafting emotions, 2007 It is a journey through languages of contemporary art It is a communication and exchange method with the youth world It is a journey through personal stories, imageries, backgrounds, physical places, mental universes. It is a collective self-portrait A series of workshops, in Hamburg and Milan, in which specific groups worked as an editing group or a collective of research. The staff participated to the production of a video and a newspaper