The sea is certainly a subject that often we find in the history of art: all artists, sooner or later, have to face this issue.
I called my project "Le grand bleu", as the great Jacques Mayol called the sea of Elba, referred he was in love (probably from the title of the film in 1988 that Luc Besson had dedicated to him).
And I tried to imagine what could have been the visions underwater of Jacques Mayol, who devoted all his life to his passion for the sport, freediving and respect for the environment, convinced that the man should become all one with nature and the sea.
Inspired by these principles and fantasizing the same depths, the prospects for diving and the sea floor, I tried to produce images that could bring the viewer to the feeling you get underwater, in an environment away from what is our world usually, in which we are accustomed to visual perception and sound very different.
I wanted to create a "suspension" effect, reproducing with shapes, light and color, the alienating situation, but at the same time, seductive that you may feel only underwater: a quiet, relaxing, cancellation condition of our usual idea of the space and of the time.