My "Donne Ma-Donne" (Women-But-Women) are nothing more than the mirror of my, like thousands of other feminine stories: icons of a role imposed from the outside but quickly internalized, creating a lack of self-esteem, dependency and submission, and that , unable to be always maintained, brings frustration and guilt. Frustration that you create in the other hand, when such a model were to come from the woman refused or abandoned. First step towards the path of violence, physical and / or psychological. The search begins in 1998 with works that are based in the formulation which is in the title, the ancient altar pieces: Majesty with Angels, Annunciation with stories of Sante, Ma-Donna del Prato, Ma-Donna della Misericordia, etc. and in which we can see a deified woman and / or a humanized madonna. Both "perfect." Sometimes I clear of this type of interpretation, but I always like to tap into the collective imaginary world: and behold, mythical women, historical or fantastic, but also all women, however, very symbolic, protagonists of digressions on the theme: it's Medusa , Venus, Eva, Bloody Mary or simply a woman, there is no difference. In my works they contain all the symbols and clichés of the "good" womanhood: motherhood, nurturing, sacrifice, acceptance, acceptance, mercy ... but also anger, grief, passion and why not, surrender. Also the technique that I prefer is functional to the message that I intend to launch. I avail myself in fact mainly of mixed techniques, in which use, in addition to materials "usual" (oil, tempera, acrylic, pastel), a few more details: photocopies and newspaper clippings, chosen ad hoc and reworked in order to make clear the meaning as photos of women from glossy magazines, social highly relevant symbols as models to be emulated; also gold leaf and silver leaf, symbols of perfection, spirituality, purity and preciousness. Google Traduttore per il Business:Translator ToolkitTraduttore di siti webStrumento a supporto dell'export Informazioni su Google TraduttoreCommunityPer cellulariTutto su GooglePrivacy e TerminiGuidaInvia commenti