Sometime in the night, in the thoughts of children comes a dream. Four children are laying asleep on a mattress of grass that, like a flying carpet, is floating over, not on a stream of clear water. The stream empties into a dark blue lake which washes upon a shore. A forest runs along the shoreline. From behind the forest rises an orange building with various colored onion domes. There is a blue and white, a red and blue and a green and yellow dome. To the left of the painting are three large trees which seem to have an internal luminesence of their own. These trees stand before a pile of light colored, multishaped rocks upon which grow trees of yellow and green. Towering above the lake, stream and trees are reddish orange cliffs. The entire scene is being looked over by a large full moon, behihd thin clouds. The moon hangs in a deep blue, almost black sky. Oil on canvas $1000.00 Copyright 2011.
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