Escapism:Planet Tedelex
PLanet Tedelex is double- fold message.
In this project I explore the power of the medium, which quiessentialy is the infinite power of men.This power to create and to destroy, to manipulate and to exercise a dominion with an omnipresent fashioning of himself and his malleable matrix.
At a basic level Planet tedelex questions the way our current society still lacks the intelligence to recycle and to restore what it consumes thereby causing harm on ourself the environment , this is the balance.
When I look at the broken the shattered television sets the (multivision) multi perspective , Planet Tedelex shows me plainly objects that are eroded and broken. But on close inspection we note that the same environment, through time assimilates these products into the landscape as pure energy and to us once again in time forgotten as they shift form, consumed into the formless.
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