A rose is a rose is a rose
The actress will perform the piece several time, improvising on the text.
Variable duration.
What is a project proposal if not pure expectation?
As artist working with performance and installation I constantly struggle with potentiality. My work doesn’t exist without a space for it to be –installation; or a gaze staring at me and creating that necessary tension for a performance to take form.
I lack in materialness. My work is concepts and ideas. It is latent.
I am asked to explain a language by another –a performance by words; or to send out images of something is not there yet –a simulation, as if art could simulate anything.
A space of possibility and expectation –of becoming; the project proposal is not anymore a way to present my work, rather the work itself.
It is a beginning, an openness, as tangible as the final work, maybe clearest ,representing something that might never exist and yet! It is there. A piece.
My piece.
A rose is a rose, is a rose, is a rose.
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