

After scanning the heavens for over 50 years we have found no other intelligent life in the universe other than our own. And despite numerous claims, a reasonable estimate of the probability for such intelligent extraterrestrials is precluded by the current n=1 condition for any kind of life, and the huge uncertainties in life’s origins compared to the more easily estimated relevant parameters, such as the number of habitable planets, number of stars, etc. Thus, we are alone in a Copernican paradigm.

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Commenti 8

Patrick Smith
5 anni fa
..alone based on empirical evidence that is
Patrick Smith
5 anni fa
....but although the multiverse is much talked about these days, particularly to account for cosmic coincidences, cosmic inflation etc, there is no hard evidence for it, and is thus not at the level of a scientific theory. But I admire your certainly could be right..but as of this moment we are alone.
Patrick Smith
5 anni fa
Thanks very much for your comments Luciana. Your English is very clear (and I would very much like to converse in Italian the way you do in English!)...
Luciana Maini
5 anni fa
In it the Copernican theory that goes beyond the vision of an Earth at the center of the Universe is deepened. Furthermore, we imagine more universes and more life forms. . . The fact of not being able to see a thing does not mean that that thing does not exist! We think of our ignorance of the infinitely small (atoms, quarks, etc.) that is reflected in the infinitely large.
We humans are not alone.
We'll find out soon.
It is only a matter of time.
Luciana Maini
5 anni fa
First: excuse my bad written English.
The "multiverse" theory was "clarified by Pope Ratzing himself a few years ago, before his strange resignation....
Let us remember how poor Galileo Galilei risked the stake, after the publication of his "Speech on the greatest systems".
Luciana Maini
5 anni fa
First:excuse my bad written English
Patrick Smith
5 anni fa
from here to eternity thanks Gabriella!
Gabriella Stigliano
5 anni fa
magic.....super magic....

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