Bowling ... Balls

Bowling ... Balls

Logicamente (visto che un giurato del concorso LensCulture Magnum Photography Awards 2016 mi disse che, era un idea banale LUI NON AVEVA CAPITO CHE IN REALTA' NON SONO DUE PALLE DA BOWLING non volli far polemica, se uno non capisce al di là del suo naso è inutile ribattere che si stava sbagliando, si sentiva tutto lui ... non parteciperò più ai loro concorsi) - Logically (given that a juror of the LensCulture Magnum Photography Awards 2016 competition told me that it was a trivial idea HE HAD NOT HAD TO KNOW THAT IN REALITY 'ARE NOT TWO BOWLING BALLS I did not want to make controversy, if one does not understand beyond his nose it is useless to argue that he was wrong, he felt everything ... I will not participate in their competitions anymore)

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