Fibonacci Sphere ( ii )

Fibonacci Sphere ( ii )

Grafica Digitale, Idee, Natura, Filosofia, Computer graphics, 30x30cm
The Fibonacci sequence, which begins 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21 and builds by adding the first number to the second over and over again, is one of the most recognizable ideas in mathematics. This sequence leads to things like the golden ratio, spirals and self-similar curves. They appear everywhere in Nature, from the leaf arrangement in plants, to the spiral patterns in sunflowers, the bracts of a pine cone, or the scales of a pineapple. The Fibonacci numbers are therefore applicable to the growth of every living thing, including a single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and even the proportions of the human body.

The Fibonacci Sphere was created and textured using 3d computer graphics software and rendered using a rendering engine that uses global illumination algorithms.

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Commenti 6

Paul Brotherton
6 anni fa
Paul Brotherton Designer, Pittore
Compliments on this piece ...... and a thought-provoking and interesting series of artworks:)
francesca furin
7 anni fa
francesca furin Artista
Molto bella!!
Richard Devonshire
7 anni fa
Thanks Marggie for your interesting observations. Kind Regards, Richard
Marggie Hopkins
7 anni fa
Marggie Hopkins Artista
Have you ever heard that mathematics is called the "queen of all sciences"? There are such topics in mathematics that help to make curious observations of the things and phenomena that are usual for us. And even try to penetrate the veil of the mystery of the creation of our universe. Of course, such an unusual phenomenon as Fibonacci numbers can not but attract attention. There is still something in this strictly verified law that is attractive and even mysterious. It is not surprising that the Fibonacci sequence somehow "lit up" in many works of modern mass culture of various genres. Best regards, expert.
Richard Devonshire
7 anni fa
Thanks Phillipp
7 anni fa
robolotion Artista
Intriguing geometry, beautiful rendering.
It's interesting to see that a lot of biological phenomena can be described with such a simple numerical series.

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