The Future You: Human(ity) VS. Robots
The random people I have chosen expressed their views, on photo and some on videos which I just started. By doing both people communicate better by documenting their opinion freely.
By asking their opinions and fostering a dialogue through my photos to bring awareness to the world, working people, Millennium, Generation X and technology. Together in the future, what humanity condition consequences each face or improve in the work tech field
I cut out cardboards and have signs written out for them to choose
Oppose, Embrace, Express Concern, Work side by side, I am not a Robot, Love tech, No Comment, On S'en Fout.
Still life are made up of robotic parts involved in street found garbage, some self owned and store brought.
Title “The Future You: Human(ity ) Verses Robot. with still life and people of all kind of work fields. By mixing the two combinations and addressing the “Good” and the “Bad “side of automation is my goal to bring people’s awareness to their future career choice they choose. Rather than a different path of career choice. They have options that make a difference to their future. From future college grads to the millennial generation.
My vision is to bring awareness to the younger generation that they do have time to choose their career to enhance their future jobs. As for the 2%, perhaps some will loose their jobs, and some will work side by side. Only time will tell the potential impact posed to society with current the use of robotic and artificial Intelligence already working with us. Does A.I pose a threat to humanity affecting the 2% work force because the future evolution technology is here to stay and advancing faster as the years go by?
A. Social conflicts in the future will have an impact on all sorts of industries and walks of life. The “Good” side of it is that machines will do what human beings are incapable of doing and cooperate working side by side with humans, after all we humans are the ones creating the machines. Doctors are already using robotics arms in surgeries to save lives. Elderly seniors might have a nurse robot to tend to their needs. Mall security robots working in the mall by year’s end etc....
B. Random people on the streets when I asked about machines taking over their jobs caused them to laugh and were not aware of the impact. Yet most are concerned with the potential of the robots taking over of their jobs. Some chose not to comment.
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