to be assembled 01

to be assembled 01

Pittura, Spiritualità, Filosofia, Idee, Fantasia / Visionario, Acrilico, 63.5x63.5x2.54cm
Artefact Materialism


As a kid, I was greatly inspired by scientific discipline, scientific experiments, it was like a magic to me. It holds heavy influence on me in my life; I desired to become a scientist, only I didn’t understand those formulas in my school academics. So, I did the next best thing. I followed the process of art, throughout my life is the scientific research way. In the scientific process, it is time taking to prove something. So, my science is rather ‘easy science’, no need more time to invent new things. Perhaps I like the result more than the process of science in my childhood days. Art might be entered here. Art might be taken over the first stage of my process science as magic. In addition, I know the common properties than scientific properties. I take a metaphor of the investigative science (practical or theoretical, fictional), and with this applying to non- scientific property. The aim of here, in reality, fundamental matter dominates the universe, but here consciously produced object is fundamental, its evolution dominates the fundamental matter of reality and its evolution with the influence of science fiction stories, it encapsulates multiple experiences from limitless the conscious culture.

Since my childhood days without knowing the concept of beauty (genres), I enjoyed it with subconsciously. I knew only my mother tongue, here. So, in school and college (BFA), when I saw visuals in the art history books, only images communicated (understood my way only) with me. Thus, my art history is only visual based; there is no style or concept. Every visual was equal to me. Lately, I realised there were concepts, styles, and philosophies behind every artwork. I add my knowledge to my early exquisite conscious. Therefore, the concept is of course rise by my subconscious, but before, subconscious to reach that concept, a lot of life experiences were there. Those related to every aspect. Means it is not only related surrealism but also every style or every perspective. I do not limit my experience with towards existing conscious perspectives, may be also experiencing from the wholeness of consciousness. For this, I take my work process that transcends beyond the time and space, blending with conscious culture.

Conscious can neither be created nor destroyed.

Suppose, if we fill this universe and traverse from one Big Bang to another, and so what do we discover? How many times does the Big Bang repeat, a hundred times, a thousand times? Or one million or billion or one million million million times? Imagine how many times was this conscious (Life) born? One thousand or a thousand -thousand times, I do not know.

So, I am trying to explore this interesting ‘repeated conscious’, consciously. I firmly believe that if the substance of the Big Bang is repeating and continues to exist, then the ‘repeated conscious’ memories that it carries should also be co-existing. There is a possibility of the brain to capture these memory waves like an antenna.

It is my conviction that the time and space have ‘repeated conscious’ includes customs, art & culture, societal topics, life behaviours, philosophies, objects, life, death and artists were being there exactly as our artist. My brain is stimulated by this ‘memories’ postulate. Perhaps I experience something for my work from ‘repeated conscious.

What we do ideas of art now in this time, maybe every idea was there in oldest Big Bang. If possible, my work is new from every Big Bang I send my version of artistic creation and knowingly of ‘repeated conscious’ as a memory to next Big Bang.

What I am, what my nature belonging everywhere and every time, I perceive it probably from the present, the past Big Bangs and I release to the future Big Bangs. I desire my work stand not alone for the conscious time of contemporary artistry and I append to the completely conscious time.


Materialism tells matter is primary, but in the evolution of matter, the life, the brain and artefacts are secondary. We cannot control the evolution of the matter. But through fiction, I am creating an ’artefact materialism’.

My concept is that artefact is primary. Every other thing derived from it, like life and nature, are secondary. For example, a helicopter is at a particular place. It is not created by somebody, it was created by itself. For this helicopter to fly, space is created, for landing too place is created by itself. So, artefact evolves the world just as the matter is fundamental for materialism. Materialism for me it was early science doctrine. The matter is purposeless and we cannot predict it the shape of the formation, so it is abstract for me. Artifact materialism is for my non-abstract, so it leads the abstract.

Here artefacts assumed as atoms means are fundamental material. These atoms are quite different from real atoms. Artefacts create sometimes less visual play between the surroundings. I wish to the viewer should be more imaginative through my work. In reality, my assumption, the substance’s surface is a malfunction; from inside evolve the function. Therefore, surface and the inside both are different. However, here I interpret the only the surface. The surface and functions are the same (unimaginable or paradoxical). Normally materials made with atoms in reality. But in my paintings, the objective material is solid without any possible division. Henceforth the function should be outside only. For instance, a grape plant needs to grow into reality; the combination needed between seed, mud water and air. Whereas in my painting, it operated with a remote control, the grape plant is originating from a drop of wine, and this drop exists only in a wine bottle, but the plant springs up somewhere else means I depict it another canvas. Moreover, here substance moves with the speed of light, but we can see in stillness. In addition, here, sounds are another way, for instance, if river flows, it sounds as "boat" "boat"... These are my rules of bizarre, I could not want to limit my thoughts, I just want to target at new things. Every object has its own story.

My experiences are as one of my childhood fantasies was that everyone used water from taps and I thought even the trees did. Whenever I looked at the rain, I asked myself, is there a bigger tap, there beneath the clouds? Up in the sky?’ for the forests and crops. This is childhood fantasy means happiness. And nowadays every time I surrounded by air, which is commanded by AC (Air Conditioner), therefore I am detached from nature. Of course, sometimes I feel melancholy regard human objects, so one way it is ironic, like, go on... The word emotion means negative and positive is in that. I do only emotion and I do from experience, not experiences. This is my subconscious.

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