Difusors / Skin project
I have developed this project from two opposite positions that, I believe, to be the most used today and in all the media – As defined by Michel Foucault in Le Courage de la Vérité, Parrhêsia (Parresia, speaking frankly) and its opposite (Rhetoric) are the starting points for this project: working between these two opposites, to generate a set of uncertainties, and ambiguities. "...In order to have parrhêsia is necessary that, while telling the truth, one face the risk of offending the other, the risk of his anger, of his rage ..." and "... the practice of parrhêsia is the complete opposite of what is, after all, the art of the rhetoric.” Here it is necessary to define the opposite of the honest man that is the rhetorical man, the one that uses the rhetoric: “That man who may say much more than he thinks in order to make others believe it is true”.
From these two positions - disguises, opposite skins – I have found a similar way to compose and to produce the works of this exhibition, such as Stephane Mallarme has defined the two types of words: the “crude word” and the “essential word” – giving to these works, these same essences, in order to find the ambiguity that emerge from all of them.
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