Bypass - A Project: 8 artworks in different art forms and mediums
This project consists of 8 artworks. Each of them evolved from the concept idea and are presented in different art forms and mediums. The concept is about certain social and cultural ideas (and actions) that cover inequivalence (and inequality) within the human race. Project ‘Bypass’ is about equality between men, animals, nature, culture and my point of view on this as well as my position in this.
The initial idea of “Bypass” emerged when I noticed that I am always trying to create a new way, ‘‘a bypass’’, to deal with our cultural and social worlds in relation to (in)equivalence. By creating bypass artworks I can introduce different forms of thinking and constructions to the viewer. I need it to put daily life into perspective. Alongside the equality and inequality, I also question human’s ego.
I see the beauty (and the utility) of equivalence and registrate transience (esp. of life and death),
My wish or ideal goes even further; I would like to registrate a sort of big-bang, a world in which everything is gone; emptiness ‘the highest level of equality’ (?) But where would I stand in all of this?
My visual work
Shape and content are inseparably intertwined and support each other in meaning and visual insight. Concepts, inspiration, snatches of thoughts, the viewing and creating of artwork: everything is absorbed, everything is valuable, everything fits in the same level, nothing comes to the fore. Shape and content reflect the necessity which drives me to create: the capability to experience the plurality in an anti-hierarchical world.
I find inspiration and recognition in Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari’s philosophies. In Rhizoom they write: ‘The ideal would be, exhibiting everything on the same level: lived through events, historical provisions, thoughts, individuals, groups and social formations, […] continuously in relation with the outside.’: equivalence: I search the ideal, not as an ‘shape for the shape’ or ‘content for the content’, but because it is my reality. The consequence is my artwork and my life are equivalences and a part of each other’s world.
I started this project in 2014, and it's ongoing.
Most of my works can be combined as well as standing on their own, I look at this as a characteristic quality of my work and do not want to work without this given. My digital Photographs are always unedited, (what you see is what you get). All used insects or animals in my work have always passed in a natural death. Most visual art works speak for them selves through the image, so not all works are extended defined in the text. (Some) Large size photo's:
Title: Bypass - Acrylic painting. 2016 - large file:(http://www.celesteprize.com/artwork/ido:392151/)
Titel: Auscultationem Musca (assemblage). Large file: http://www.celesteprize.com/artwork/ido:392151/
A fly, a ‘common’ insect. A ‘being’, living in our world, or the other way around?
Titel: Contemporary-face-landscape-face-landscape-face-landscape. 2016 - large file:(http://www.celesteprize.com/artwork/ido:392151/)
A double vision for looking at the same object; portait or landscape. A research about the connectivity and/or differences between men and nature.
A site specific video installation consisting of two parts, each part has one video.
Part 1: Titel: Hierarchy rules - video Installation, Loop 15 sec. The video Installation work is installed above the ceiling tiles. To watch the short video film you have to go upstairs with an oncomfortabele ladder (apr. 2-2,5 m.). I deliberately did this so the viewer had to make more effort to see the film. In the short film you see 3 deers walk backwards. Why all this effort to see the video? I live in the forest area right at the border of Belgium/Holland, every day I walk in the forrest, that’s where I find most of my materials for my artworks, including these deers. I asked myself if this was a private moment for the deers? Is it their personal space? Can I show this short video film to the rest of the world? Can I make this decision? Up to the present time I still have my doubts to show it or not... I made ‘holes’ in the ceiling tiles (by taking the plates out, where the power cables are hanging down), these ‘holes lead to the video installation part - RAW Material’;
Part 2: Titel: RAW Material - video Installation, Loop 16.24 min.
RAW Material shows a large projection (from floor to ceiling - apr. 2,5x6m.) of a chicken that I filmed in a special environment. My initial idea was to film the chicken (named Kuukel) from bottom up, I thought it would be a new perspective to look at the animal. Soon I noticed that I was training and drilling chicken-Kuukel. I tried to lure her with food and even got impatient because she was afraid to walk over the glass plate (which ‘we’ humans also mostly experience by walking over glass plates and look into the depth). Eventually she did it. In the end when I wanted to edit the film material I watched the film, I was embarrassed by my domination and my impatient acts and desided to use the film in an unedited ('RAW') state. The title of this unedited film is therefore RAW Material and because of the way I behaved during the film (no brute force or so, but rather the inequality of mine). For me this title is also a strong reference to how we deal with chickens (and other animals in general) and our convenience with it, for instance in our supermarkets an in our (food)industry.
Titel: Endemic - Sculpture (pur/plastic and straw bales)
A human figure without a head, putting it’s ‘head’ into straw bales.
Time has an equivalence for all species.
EGO = inequivalence and TIME = equivalence ?
Titel: Transeunt - Digital Photograph. Large file:(http://www.celesteprize.com/artwork/ido:392151/)
My visual research In this photograph;
When is a human being equivalent to it’s surroundings?
Titel: Inverse - Assemblage (egg and photo print). Large file: http://www.celesteprize.com/artwork/ido:392126/
About the inside and the outside. And about the pure feelings of equivalence which I feel (my inside).
Title: Home - Digital photograph on a light box. 2014.
One morning at my home, while making breakfast, the chicken Kuukel (a domestic chicken), walked in the room and set herself on my good friend Harry. He protected his head with his sweater for her venomous picking. I took my camera and photographed it (and put a special print on a light box).
Installation with this Photograph on a light box, 2015:
(The Installation has a different title)
Title: Virtue - Photograph on a light box - Installation (site specific). Large file: http://www.celesteprize.com/artwork/ido:392126/
The Installation (site specific) consists of a light box, installed at the statue of Lady Justice. When I visited the place where the statue of Lady Justice was present, I asked permission make an installation with the statue. For me a nice and subtle way to put the relationship between man and animal ‘to justice’ in a visual way. For some employees of the courthouse the installation was not o.k., they were quite annoyed about the questioning about humans, animals and equivalence, luckily most of employees were happy about it. I made this installation at the Court of Justice (public area) in Breda(NL), (1 sept-31 dec 2015).
'Das Ei des Künstlers' (Artists egg)
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