f4f4f4f4f4f Live Media, Tecnologico, Politico/Sociale, Astratto informale, Live dj/vj set, 600x300x600cm Forex music sound installation thomas stock market finance georg seher dominik steinmann jörn barkemeyer werner aktienkurse finanzmusik frfrfrfrfr Installazione, Scultura & Performance (Celeste Prize 2016) Inserita 8 anni fa 3 Mi piace Non piace più 4 Commenti 219 Visite Condividi Facebook Twitter Google + Piace a 3 Federico Tinti Architetto, Artista - Brescia Nero Levrini Premium Artista - Reggio Emilia Tanya Bartolini Premium Artista - Milano Commenti 4 8 anni fa Catch a Falling Knife Collective Installation artist, Sound designer Handelsblad Holland http://www.nrc.nl/nieuws/2016/07/01/zo-klinken-de-financiele-markten-als-muziekstuk-a1503289 8 anni fa Catch a Falling Knife Collective Installation artist, Sound designer Deutschlandradio http://www.deutschlandfunk.de/48-stunden-neukoelln-das-groesste-freie-kunstfestival.807.de.html?dram:article_id=358193 8 anni fa Catch a Falling Knife Collective Installation artist, Sound designer Different Newspaper and radiobroadcast wrote and talked about " The Börsenorchestrion". http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article156631612/Das-ist-der-traurig-schoene-Sound-des-Brexit.html (German) 8 anni fa Catch a Falling Knife Collective Installation artist, Sound designer Different Newspaper and radiobroadcast wrote and talked about " The Börsenorchestrion". http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article156631612/Das-ist-der-traurig-schoene-Sound-des-Brexit.html (German) Inserisci commento E' necessario effettuare il login o iscriversi per inserire il commento Login
Commenti 4
http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article156631612/Das-ist-der-traurig-schoene-Sound-des-Brexit.html (German)
http://www.welt.de/wirtschaft/article156631612/Das-ist-der-traurig-schoene-Sound-des-Brexit.html (German)
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