Monumento ai vivi

Monumento ai vivi

Installazione, Politico/Sociale, Idee, Materiali vari, 150x500x150cm
"monument to alive" was born for an analysis on the concept
of monument related to history and Frosinone identity, and
especially to the evolution of "the sense of the art".
The initial attention is focused on the city estethic and its
concentration of artistic works and contemporary signs that
might identify it.
Then I compared it with other cities that through squares and
important streets, give t the citizens a sense of community.
in Frosinone is hard to meet up, unless you are in the shopping
centre. Interviewing citizens, they agree with this point
of view.
So we have been working on the sensibility, freedom and creativi
opportunity as an interpersonal dialogue to give to the
city a view of the art as something close to everybody, not
only the one passionate with it.
The idea was to involve citizens, institutions, and the Art Academy,
for the realization of something that see coopeation
between different point of views.
We looked for a fusion between traditional and contemporary
Another mission was to use the image, the esthetic, as a dialogue
between past and present to create new spaces.
the idea of monument is something that here exists as an
artistic image of "city and artwork".
There are lot of sculpture, but the citizens don't love them as
they don't feel part of what they represent.
So we wanted to create a new monument, that could make
everybody feel part of it, leading to a sense of appartenence
to the city art projects.
to obtain this dialogue is important, human relation that
today is often forgotten but can help to improve knowledge,
cut prejudices, loneliness.
build something together, means make citizens aware of
their responsability on the improvement of the city.
The idea then, is to build a sculpture for the city, made with
daily objects that common citizens wanted to give to create
it. something that can be created in every city with the same
the sculpture has been created putting together all these
objects (metal or wood) that people gave me as a present. I
asked for daily objects because I wanted to work on
something that represent the every-day life, the society, the
family relation, relation between different people.
through interviws and social network I asked everybody to
chose only one colour to pain all these objets collected. the
monochrom colour is symbol of traditional art and unification
of lot of different people. I tried to transmit simplicity, but at
the same time to add a metaphisic charachte, suspended and
totally different from the idea that the object gives to the
observer when he sees it in the common circumstances: a tv,
a bicycle. the object, through the color is "cleaned" and
renew to become something else; a sculpture to share with
the community.

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