

I started this project with the aim to create photos about silence but I immediately realized that I was more interested in the word Silenced and how it could be conveyed through food photography. People are continuously being silenced in today’s society, they are silenced through alienation, loneliness, isolation or omerta; they are silenced with money, by violence or torture, by mass media. People are silenced so they won’t disturb, won’t interfere, won’t speak up. The more people are silenced, the more isolated we become. As a photographer, I try to use my medium to transmit my thoughts and ideas; as a food photographer I also like to do something completely different from what we usually see on Instagram and on food blogs, I want to make people think about what they see. Food is easy to relate to, it is something we all know for good and for worse and I hope that this make my photos not only visually palatable but also give you food for thought.

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Commenti 3

Lookatmy Back
9 anni fa
Lookatmy Back Artista, Gallerista, Art lover
Progetto molto interessante ed evocativo. Varie forme di imposizione del silenzio che richiamano a vari gradi di coercizione: dalla corruzione al bavaglio, dalla sepoltura alla eliminazione violenta... Diciamo che si tratta anche di un tema socialmente molto attuale, purtroppo. Complimenti per l'idea e per la realizzazione dei singoli lavori ricchi di metafore e rimandi a sensazioni già insite nell'osservatore.
Ilva Beretta
9 anni fa
Ilva Beretta Artista
Grazie, apprezzo molto la tua generosita'!
9 anni fa
chiro Artista
ciao lavoro fantastico complimenti!

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