Music of the Spheres #7

Music of the Spheres #7

Pittura, Emozione, Astratto geometrico, Figura umana, Nudo, Tecnica mista, 70x100x3cm
Application of simplest graphic element - circle - in order to achieve the illusion of expanding sounds over a certain movement. Picture has the unique music composition, created in accordance with position of the circles at spatial musical scale.

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Commenti 11

Alfonso Camplone
13 anni fa
graziella lucchin
13 anni fa
che armonia...
Natalia Kessler
14 anni fa
Natalia Kessler Artista
Vrlo ljepo!
Penelope Oakley
14 anni fa
Penelope Oakley Artista
Bella bella bella!
Painting music is so beautiful.
salvatore cotrufo
14 anni fa
l'arte e'fatta anche di cose semplici all'apparenza qui c'e'della genialita'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!complimenti!
Teresa Palombini
14 anni fa
Opera bella e dinamica.
Associazione Roberta Smedili
14 anni fa
forme geometriche perfette, opera molto bella.
15 anni fa
Dear Peya,
I am really very sorry for the inexcusable delay, but for some reason I had no access to my Events’ Comments up to yesterday night…
So please let us have your private e-mails for direct communication. We are ready to send you our first and second Info-papers (IP). The third, with the application form, will be in your hands few days later…
Sorry once more. Keep in touch, yours Takis & Committee
ZIQQURAT ugocròm Zatini
15 anni fa
bel lavoro
Davide Robert Ross
15 anni fa
Wow, compliments!

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