G : Fatte abbastanza foto?  :) :) :) :) :) :)

G : Fatte abbastanza foto? :) :) :) :) :) :)

Una documentazione di una recente degenza in ospedale a causa di un intervento chirurgico, e poi un secondo intervento, il ricovero e la riabilitazione che ci è voluta.
Questo progetto nasce dal desiderio di registrare gli eventi della mia vita osservando e documentando i tanti oggetti e pezzi di informazioni, che quando assemblati insieme, tentano di raccontare una storia di luogo e di tempo. Propongo anche allo spettatore di leggere gli sms che ho ricevuto da amici e parenti quando le cose sono andate male e poi quando sono andate di nuovo bene. Lavorando durante questo periodo in modo creativo sono stata in grado di superare un periodo difficile, e guardando i dettagli della mia situazione, i rituali quotidiani necessari e l'ambiente circostante quando la visione più allargata era troppo preoccupante, scomoda e minacciosa, ho trovato un po 'di conforto, energia e positività.
Hai bisogno di qualcosa

Cosa è successo?

Stai tranquilla all'inizio è così giorni positivi e giorni meno. ma andrà tutto bene.

E che anti dolorifici ti servono e poi li Puoi prendere?

How's you today dearest?

Oh shit so sorry..do what the doctors say won't you …no hurry, all in good time..Today hot yes but a lovely breeze.I'm taxiing kids right now . This morning trying to work out a few flowery crafty things for Maddy's summer school..let me know if you have any ideas!! Leo home for 2 days as voting at school. Maddy off the bus in a minute. Hope you have some nice films to watch. Will see you in 2 days!! Wondering if Maddy can come too? We'll talk about that tomorrow. Big hug sweet Kxxxx Oh yes and holes to dig later..sort of gardening!

Yes I think that is best, Jackie. Start off with house visits and take it from there. Just got back from the doctor. He said my rash is infected . Now I will put a mixture of anti-biotic cream and cortisone and hope it calms down. My arm he said is probably a ligament or nerve damage but it is slowly getting better so let it be . I cried a lot and told him I was extremely stressed and tired. He wants me to see the psychopharmacologist in Florence as soon as possible. V said he would drive me there. Are you in a lot of pain, jax?

Il moment dove è

Fra poco ci vediamo. Xx

Wednesday can also come alone to see you as Marco can take Maddy to have her medication while I pop in to see you. Xx

Ciao!!!!! Come stai??? Te la danno la morfina ?? : ) a presto!!

Come al solito…!! Quando ti rimandano a casa??

Hi hamster fine loads of company in the middle of the lounge laura spends all day talking to it they are supposed to be nocturnal but because they are from a busy shop she is wide awake quite a lot of the day which is good rosie is her name. How are u doing with the girls its half term boring rain today

Ciao come stai?

Yes of course when do you go under again so sorry

No cavolo mi dispiace un casino Ti sono nel cuore. Forza dai…E coraggio Un bacio grande con abbraccio

Hello are u free to have a chat today?

Oh pants you must feel awful can't imagine make sure you eat enough to cope with the painkillers cause you don't want to be sick with all your back and joints hurting you must feel like u ceasing up love u and wish I could help u can I send u anything to help are u using disposable heat pads on your back they are good

O baby so very sorry - What can we bring u? Vieri will drive me in- would u like salmon and cream cheese or a cheesecake? We Will get through this I promise you

Nooo i can't believe it damn, can i call you later

Ok honey i make cheese cake now And we bring u it tomorrow after my blood tests, Which Are at 8.30 am , ok? I go get ingrediente now And then walk porgy And send u update. Let me know list of supplies i can bring u. I love you

I bring u long t-shirts , nice fruit , cheesecake What else - u have 25 hours to think of things. Xxxx

I guess its still better than doing it in november

Sure , i'll ask fausto, Think anxiety dont help u poor thing!

Wow ok i'm sure he can give me something. What kind of headache?

Ok got it!

So sorry to hear your news. Do hope they can op soon. We are just thinking of you all the time . will ring later. Lots of love ma and pa. X x

Spero tu stia meglio..sarei venuta volentieri questo pomeriggio ma purtroppo alle 19 non mi è possibile Giovedi se hai bisogno posso venire e portarti a casa oppure venire a casa per aiutarti Fammi sapere. Un abbraccio

Hi dear . I just woke up from my nap . So glad to See u r making list. Keep it up . I will bring these things And take away your laundry. It's a very hard time , but keep in mind that time does go by And in a week or so things will start to look up again- i miss u so much .

So glad not too long to wait. can they give you something for headache. Hope it goes soon x x

I not good on anesthetic that is why I had it done under local with sedation. Wait to get text to call x

Jackie mi dispiace moltissimo …devi comunque essere forte. Domani ti chiamo. Un abbraccio fortissimo

Cara Jacline le notizie che mi porta Rebecca non sono delle migliori. Sono molto dispiaciuto, fammi sapere cosa sta succedendo. Un abbraccio

Oh gosh take care have you got a kindle or something if someone can get you one I will buy it 4 u x

Good luck till then xx

Sì ti aspettano. spero molto presto

I took lots o pics of ur babies to show u. They miss u but they fine. Porgy prefers to stroll about the inner farm road these days

Can't wait to see the pics you are taking

Piace a 9

Commenti 1

Maristella  Angeli
10 anni fa
Maristella Angeli Artista, Pittore

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