Per realizzare questo quadro a olio sono partito da fotografie di reportage che sono state censurate dai mass-media ufficiali e anche da certi siti internet. Oltre all'aspetto di denuncia, a quello simbolico della purezza che viene gettata a terra, dimenticata tra le macerie, questa serie si intitola Reality show, perchè vuole essere principalmente una riflessione sull'utilizzo dei mass-media e sul confine, a volte invisibile, tra la realtà e la finzione, e su come oggi l'estetica influenza fortemente l'etica.
Commenti 83
It is ironic, as you say, that such a powerful image, with its potential to shock large numbers of people out of their complacency and complicit acceptance of wars supposedly carried out in their name has been censored. Only two works of art have ever made me cry and for very different reasons, the first time I saw Michaelangelo's dying slave I was moved by the beauty, when I think about your image of the child's severed head I weep for the horror and futility.
I think your Reality series is the most shocking thing I have ever seen and that is obviously the point you were trying to get across. We have through the media become almost completely de-sensitised to war especially when it is air-brushed to the extent that it is in recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. I think your work is a real wake up call on a par with the famous photographic image of the naked screaming Vietnamese child which so shocked the previous generation.
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