Pittura, Astratto informale, Olio, 120x60cm
the work is clearly retro, there is painting, it is abstract expressionist it may sound boring.it is the research of the relationship between avant garde(mainly german) and brazilian culture to give a fresh vibe to a kind of art which is dead. brazilian samba is mixed with pop videos in order to give a rythmic atmosphere. Thank to cultural mixes i arrive to a style which is luxuriant and flamboyant like the amazon forest. by mixing digesting cultures i arrive to nature, to my nature. a nature which is strong yet fragile, flamboyant yet shy. it is like a music for deaf people
Commenti 3
fantastic work
dai un occhiata al mio sito www.accessibleart.ch
mi farebbe piacere che tu partecipassi ad Arte Accessibile
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Tiziana Manca
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