2 replace, soldiers in the cemetery 2013

2 replace, soldiers in the cemetery 2013

Grafica Digitale, Pace, Figura umana, Sacro / Mitologico, Paesaggio, Generative graphics, 88x58x00cm

the cemetery is 4 thousand young men years old by 22. stopte why you hate the why anyone looking for a solution to both.
breeding ground for fascism there is where the hatred unleashed.

auf dem Friedhof liegen 4 tausend junge männer alter um 22 jahren. warum stopte man den Hass nicht warum suchte niemanden nach einer Lösung für beiden.
nährboden für faschismus ist da wo der hass sich entfesselt.
Non ci sono mi piace

Commenti 1

Suzan a1qq Hijab
8 anni fa
Grazie Mille Floriano
Visito quasi ogni giorno.

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