Her enlarged heart
The theory of Acupuncture defines a series of points on the body’s surface linked not only to interior organs, but also to the mind. I perforate paper, ceramic, photographs, cloth with a needle - a kind of acupuncturist performance, stimulating the mind by way of a physical object - the inner body by way of its surface. My work concerns the search for this “inner man” in its entirety, using clues from the outside visible world. Images formed by acupuncture points are a form of visual communication and constitute different ways of seeing the world. For example in acupuncture the image of a hand is an exact representation of the whole body, both physical and subconscious. Using a myriad of dots in my art, I create a sort of visual link between the inner and the outer, between the past and the present, to represent the body in all its dimensions. Acupuncture is a concept of the unity of mind and body and a cornerstone of my work.
In the end the artist is in a constant process of self healing: I made a pain crevice with a needle on paper - maybe I will make it breath again. My artistic expression is an extension of my breathing, my art a part of, the main influence on and the result of my own life.
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