Fakir - Nam Yar
This art work is the key to unlock the secret of why the artist Emmanul Radnitzky changed his name to MAN RAY. Not only is the letters hidden in his real name but the truth is that Man Ray was born in South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA in 1890, the eldest child of recent Russian Jewish immigrants. In 1912, the Radnitzky family changed their surname to Ray, in reaction to the anti-Semitism. Emmanuel, who was called "Manny" as a nickname, changed his first name to Man, and gradually began to use Man Ray as his combined single name. The truth is also that he was a great admirer of the Indian “Fakir” with the name of NAM YAR who’s performance Man went to see many times.
Nam Yar was sleeping on spikes, walking on glass, and all this was naturally a great inspiration for the surrealistic movement, Man was a part of creating. Turning the name NAM YAR backwards spelled the name MAN RAY and he had by doing so become his own artistic Fakir.
Several of Man Rays later work would reflect this fact. His famous Iron with nails named GIFT 1920 is a direct “Homage” to the Fakir profession, the art of illusions, and the gift Nam Yar had actually given him.
Man Ray 1890 –1976 is best known in the art world for his avant-garde photography, He was also a renowned fashion and portrait photographer. He is noted for his photograms, which he renamed "Rayographs" after himself.
Fakirs are Indian "magicians". They are supposed to have supernatural powers, and are able to do famous physical feats that defy the maxims of Western Science. Right from the start, the Western side has always been baffled by the Fakirs, about how they can lie on a bed of nails without getting injured, or even yogis able to keep their head in the soil and survive without air for minutes.
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