TRACTOR International Artists in Residence
Mostra, Slovenia, Ljubljana, 29 December 2013
Competenze: Spazio Espositivo, Sponsor, Investitore, Artista
This programme is for all those creative minds who either wish to change their environment for a couple of weeks and find inspiration in a new surrounding or simple need undisturbed time and/or a space to develop or finish up a body of work; this might involve intensive preparation for an exhibition, a production of larger work or work needing specialist technician support.

As a TRACTOR guest you will have uninterrupted, self-directed work time. We will not pressure you to deliver finished work; you can focus solely on research and development of ideas. We do however expect the guest artist to make productive use of their time whilst at D’CLINIC and pro-actively engage with other studio holders, staff and the wider environment.

The house, studio and it’s surrounding are suitable for all kinds of initiatives; we can provide you a wide range of equipment depending on your requirements. Each proposed project is discussed and agreed individually.

Project team 1

Tamara  Ramos

Commenti 1

Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 anni fa
un grande in bocca al lupo

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