Katerina Belkina at ART.FAIR / Cologne
Fiere, Germania, Köln, 27 October 2016
A dual focus distinguishes the ART.FAIR

This applies to the art itself as well as the participating galleries and the visitors.

The Art
Since its first edition in 2003, ART.FAIR successfully combines the established with the new: International top positions await our visitors. At the same time, they can discover promising, young artists at an early stage.

The Galleries
Curated and exclusive participants from emerging and renowned galleries from Germany and abroad create an exciting opposite of old and new, of established and experimental.
With „15 Minutes of Fame“ ART.FAIR offers participating galleries a special platform to introduce their projects to visitors, curators and fellow gallery owners live and in person.

The Visitors
The combination of opposites creates the unpretentious atmosphere which characterizes the ART.FAIR and with which the fair reduces inhibitions towards art.

Every year at the ART.FAIR, this strategy unites young art lovers with experienced collectors all over again. An additional target group is opened up for the galleries: the art collector of tomorrow.

BLOOOM - the converging art show
Any fair for modern and contemporary art is based on the assumption that art follows new paths, continues to develop, and constantly moves beyond its own boundaries in doing so. Discovering new forms of expression, rendering the boundaries between – for example – fine art, design, street art, and photography more fluid: That is the aim of BLOOOM – the converging art show. Since 2010 this fair, integrated within the ART.FAIR, has been supporting young galleries, off-
spaces, and projects.

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