Contemporary Venice
Mostre, Venezia, 15 December 2014
My video "tHe bIrDmAn"...wHaT iS tHe sToRy... Book Project and photography "Blame" is shown there. If your are near by pop-in for a view.
The first winter edition of Contemporary Venice is focused on the theme of IDENTITIES and on the relationship between man, society and contemporary cities. The exhibition will explore the lifestyles and ways of being that run on a parallel level of our ordinary life. Everyday behaviours are the actual reflection of cities and societies we have created and that have developed a personal identity. This new city character becomes the new order that modifies our everyday life.

Commenti 2

Paula Haapalahti
9 anni fa
Paula Haapalahti Artista, Fotografo, Video artist
Grazia and thank you Vittorio...
Vittorio Pasotti
9 anni fa
Congratulazioni e buona fortuna...!

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