Villa R was designed in 1990 by the two owners, Iolanda Vacalebre and Nicola Rustica, whom for many years have used the villa for artistic and musical productions. Over the years there have been organized many evenings with music, poetry, as well as performance.
Since April 2013, the owners decided to offer most of the spaces of the villa to organize intercultural and interdisciplinary exchange with professionals both foreign and Italian and activities such as residencies for artists and summer holidays. These activities especially aim at the creation / implementation of projects, artworks and ideas in a stimulating environment, in contact with other artists and with nature.
The residence offers wide space for the artistic production of any size and media. It is an exclusive opportunity to create new works and develop ideas in a wide, beautiful and meditative location, far from the distracting vibes of the big city.
The villa offers a great view on the sea, valley and Eolie Islands. Artists have the possibility to work both in an atelier of 80 square meters, with big windows, or outside on a space of about 2000 square meters directly in contact with the earth, without limits of dimentions and medias of work.
There is enough space to accomodate all artists in comfortable and spacious rooms (single or double). There is a distance of about 4km from the villa to a very popular seaside. The villa is on accessible distance from the touristic destination Milazzo and transports direct to the Eolie Islands.
Both emergent, mid-career and established artists working within the creative field, including visual arts, music, video, literature, performance, theatre, cinema, etc., without limitation of age, sex and nationality are encouraged to apply.
Application must include:
- A cover letter that describes the purpose of your stay and which kind of work you wish to produce in relation to your career and/or personal development (pdf)
- Curriculum vitae that includes both professional and few basic biographic infos (pdf)
- 10 images of artworks in jpg (if you are a visual artist). One or more links to a webpage or other links that show your professional activity and former work.
Make sure to include your contact infos and preferred period of residency (1 or 2 weeks in may – june – september)
All documents have to be sent to Giuditta R giudittarustica@yahoo.it
Documents can be written either in English or Italian.
Next deadline: 1st april 2014
more infos on: http://artistsinresidencevillar.wordpress.com/
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