International Cultural Exchange and Exhibition-2013
Mostre, Ghana, Accra, 30 May 2013
Under the auspices of Center for National Culture, in collaboration with Solid Rock
Association based in Ghana, We invite you to participate in the international Cultural
and Exchange and exhibition in Accra from May 30th-1st June 2013.

The exhibition under the theme, Democracy our hope to peace, coexistence and
cultural diversity, will witness a delegation from worldwide cultural groups, civil
society, politicians, students, Chiefs, including members of Diplomatic Missions, all
converging at the National Theater in Ghana, using Arts as a way of life.
The International Cultural Exchange and Exhibitions project, would highlight among
other things, the need to,

1. Deepen Significance of folk Arts all over the world, and the need to use
Democracy to bring about peace and coexistence.
2. Shape the conversation about the significance of building indigenous music, as
well of reconnecting to the past musical rhythms
3. Create a medium where worldwide groups, will exhibits their indigenous music
and culture.
4. Share strategies and tactics related to the development of Arts and Cultures
We invite you to participate in this international gathering because, the culture of
people plays an important role in shaping approach, to how we plan and achieve
We are expecting representatives from several organizations, home and abroad as
well as host traditional music lovers. As this is an international gathering, it would
provide a great opportunity to promote the ideals of your organization by associating
your organization to this event.

We require your participation to help us deliver a meaningful and successful Art
exhibitions and festival, and do hope that you take advantage of this unique

Who Is Making This Call, and Why

An International Cultural Exchange and Exhibitions will be held in Accra Ghana from
May 30th-1st June 2013, to improve the world wide effort at using culture to bring
about peace through collaborations, and create networks by reconnecting cultures
globally, so that our positive strength are released in a focused manner to elevate all
people living on the earth.

Solid Rock Association of Ghana is Nonprofit non Governmental Organization
dedicated to the development of Folk Art and Culture based in Accra-Ghana , the
Association which is affiliated to the Center for National Culture and Ghana Dance
Association of Ghana request your participation in this historic International Cultural
Exchange and Exhibition event, to Promote culture and development through folk
music and dance, theater and Art exhibitions , and above all folk festival or ethnic
diversity, programs to be held parallel to the exhibition, that includes ethnic music
concerts, food and celebrate the local cultural mix and more.

During the exhibition special performances and theater dance to celebrate the
message of culture and development through different mediums of art will be

As an organization dedicated to development of folk art and culture, we see culture
and art as discipline that plays an important role in the progress of any nation and
serves, as the sole upon which human life evolves.
We believe that your contribution to bringing world peace through cultural exchange,
would impact positivity on the efforts, being made by civil society organizations

Our commitment to the development of culture everywhere on the earth has been
demonstrated in our leadership in Ghana and Africa as a whole, which are critical to
this ambitious undertaking.

Please for your participation as individual or dance
group contact:
Solid Rock Association (NGO)
P.O.BOX AC 571
Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233 243322558
Skype: solidrockassoc

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Associazione Roberta Smedili
12 anni fa
un grande in bocca al lupo

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