Giant Step 2 – The Centre of the Periphery & The Periphery of the Centre
Workshops , Regno Unito, County Borough of Conwy, Llandudno, 21 September 2012
Hosted by MOSTYN, this conference looks at the role of institutions within contemporary culture. We bring together artists, curators, creative practitioners and others to discuss and debate how institutions or individuals stimulate and encourage the cultural dynamics of a location or society, particularly in areas with a less prominent critical audience.

Speakers include: Fernando Garcia-Dory (artist and activist), Michele Horrigan (artist and Director of Askeaton Contemporary Arts), Alistair Hudson (Grizedale Arts), John Plowman and Nicola Streeten (Directors, Beacon Art Project), Pete Telfer (Culture Colony).

21 – 23 September 2012

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Associazione Roberta Smedili
11 anni fa
un grande in bocca al lupo

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