10 Artisti scelti:
Patrizia Bonardi, Lasting, video
Elena Fantini, Gasoline pump, photograph
Loredana Grasso, Déjà-vu, painting
Kurt Hoerbst, Julia 11, photograph
Shahar Marcus, Freeze, video
Francesco Minucci, Little Boy, photograph
Francesca Romana Pinzari, The first Time We Kissed, video
Mario Rossi, Synchronicity 3, photograph
Marco Santuccio, Equilibrio Funk, installation
Liz West, Yellow Chamber, installation
Testo di Manon Slome:
Expectations: The moment to come….
"Less than a decade ago, the term “expectations” had a very positive ring. Money seemed in endless supply and a new super class was in the process of recreating an even shinier “Guilded age.” Everything that did not have the crisp feel of a new dollar bill was termed, “so Twentieth Century;” houses got bigger, gadgets ever smaller and faster; prices of art rocketed and art schools became seen as breeding grounds for the next wave of super stars.
But we are now experiencing the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and the ensuing waves of recession have forced us to change our lives in ways large and small. It's a world of "new normals," with more belt-tightening, less income and, in many cases, a newfound gratitude for the most basic human comforts: family, home and health..."
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