"Stories Told" at Quest Gallery,

"Stories Told" at Quest Gallery,

Mostre, Canada, Midland, 18 March 2016
Sculptures: "Inept Attempt to Restore a Greco-Roman Archeological Find" and “Plundered Tomb Excavation-3000CE-- Find Dated at 2010CE
Black & White Juried Show, Propeller Gallery

Black & White Juried Show, Propeller Gallery

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 09 February 2016
Black Chlorite and Holly table, Black Chlorite Sculptural Head, Black Ebony Stand

"Leg Art"

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 28 November 2015
Black Pearl Soapstone feet & base, Black Chlorite leg; Cottonwood Burl; Ager Tiger-Walnut Oil-Hard Wax finish; felt pads
Exhibition: "Secret World"- Station Gallery, Whiby, Ontario Canada: "Leg Art"

Exhibition: "Secret World"- Station Gallery, Whiby, Ontario Canada: "Leg Art"

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 28 November 2015
Black Pearl Soapstone feet & base, Black Chlorite leg; Cottonwood Burl; Ager Tiger-Walnut Oil-Hard Wax finish; felt pads
Exhibition/Auction: "Mistletoe Magic" at the John B. Aird Gallery:

Exhibition/Auction: "Mistletoe Magic" at the John B. Aird Gallery:

Aste, Canada, Toronto, 24 November 2015
Artworks: "Two Faced"- Sculpture Pink Marble; "Venus of Urbino(1538), Olympia(1863), Barbie(2015)": Sculptural Tableau: Mixed media
Made of Wood Show

Made of Wood Show

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 25 April 2015
Welcome to the 2015 Made of Wood Show, a juried show and sale of one of a kind works in wood by artisans from across Canada! This 14th Annual Made of Wood Show is being hosted by the Bartlett Galle...leggi tutto
Salon Show- Yellow House Gallery, 921 Kingston Road, Toronto, Ontario

Salon Show- Yellow House Gallery, 921 Kingston Road, Toronto, Ontario

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 05 December 2014
Three works accepted: 1. “Ancestral Head #1” on Equilateral Stand Dimensions:40.6cm high x 27.9cm deep x 15.2cm wide Emerald Green Soapstone, Black Acrylic Paint, thin ply, Weldbond glue, Acrylic...leggi tutto
"Slice of Life" Juried Show, Station Gallery Whitby, Ontario

"Slice of Life" Juried Show, Station Gallery Whitby, Ontario

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 29 November 2014
Fractal & Shadow #3 accepted. Dimensions: 66.67 cm wide x 50.1cm deep x 12.7cm high Big Leaf Maple Burl, Black Chlorite, MDF, Acrylic Rods, Steel Hooks & Wire, Epoxy Glue, Black Spray Paint, Walnut...leggi tutto
Mistletoe Magic- Silent Auction

Mistletoe Magic- Silent Auction

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 25 November 2014
Silent Auction at the John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto. Sculpture from the Garden Series: 1.0 Garden Series No. 9 (3 Stamen, Burl Base) Dimensions: 27.9cm W, 92.7cm H, 17.1cm D Red Mallee Burl Base w...leggi tutto


Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 08 February 2014
This exhibit is for Art Patrons who thrive on challenges. Banal, everyday objects are raised to an iconic level by three masters who resurrect the mundane and turn it into the magnificent by juxtapos...leggi tutto
Surrealism for the 21st Century

Surrealism for the 21st Century

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 02 November 2013
I have three works selected for this show: http://www.articsokgallery.com/david-cumming/
Made of Wood Show 2010

Made of Wood Show 2010

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 17 April 2010
I am a finalist for "best in Show". Two works: Symmetry No. 2:Camphor (Cinnamon) Burl Top; Sassafras Bent-Laminated Legs; Sassafras Bent-Laminated Skirts; Sassafras Stretchers and Buttons; Hard Maple...leggi tutto


Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 07 November 2009
i have an art work in this juried group show, "Six Blind Men, After Bruegel", 2009. Works relate to the idea of breaching the boundaries of: identity, social class, ethnicity, contemporary notion o...leggi tutto
115th Anniversary Gala: Art Gallery of Hamilton

115th Anniversary Gala: Art Gallery of Hamilton

Aste, Canada, Hamilton, 26 September 2009
Hosted by the Women's Association of the Art Gallery of Hamilton- a fund raising auction. I have two works available for auction: LOON TABLE No. 3 Campor/Cinnamon Top with Ash tapered bend laminat...leggi tutto
Made of Wood Show

Made of Wood Show

Mostre, Canada, Toronto, 12 September 2009
These two pieces of mine have been accepted to the MADE OF WOOD SHOW: Image 2 & 3: Title, Year: Fruited Morrel Burl Top Stand, February 2007 Medium/Technique: Fruited Morrel (Australian) Burl Top...leggi tutto
Exhibtion Insights of Life from the Shadows of Death

Exhibtion Insights of Life from the Shadows of Death

Mostre, Stati Uniti, Oakland, 07 August 2009
THE RED DOOR GALLERY & COLLECTIVE 416 26th Street Oakland, CA Between Telegraph and Broadway on 26th Street What happens when one is confronted with violence and death? The Red Door Gallery and...leggi tutto