buongiorno mille grazie al tuo cuore sapere che credi in me mi fa bene al cuore ti abbraccio e ti auguro una bellissima Domenica...un abbraccio grande....Tanya!!!:))))))
ne sono onorata se ti servono da ispirazione per le tue grandiose opere prendi pure hahaha grazie di cuore un bellissimo week.end anche a te e benvenuto nel mio mondo celeste!!!!..:))))))))))))))))))))) grazieeeeeeeeeeeeeee....Tanyaaa:))))))))
Hello Julian, thank you so much for your compliment and for adding Damaged for good to your collection!!:))))) Very much appreciated :-) Have a great Sunday!
Hello Julian, thank you so much for your great comment and the favourite to my work - much appreciated!
Have a great day and a nice weekend!
Best regards,
Ti ringrazio con tutto il cuore e perdonami se non conosco l'inglese ma la tua bimba è bellissima come tutta la tua famiglia a presto un abbraccio forte ...Tanya
Hello, look this initiative to help grow and spread free art for everyone
Workshop online
to realize a group work / exhibition
from September 1 to November 29, 2013
The Review of Contemporary Art "Gesto Segno Disegno" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form http://www.federicocozzucoli.net/Sainte%20Chapelle_istruzioni%20e%20form%20per%20la%20partecipazione%20al%20workshop.pdf anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle".
Thank you very much for accepting my friendship request...I'm hazarding a guess that you're Julian, having had a quick peak at your website....? Good to hear that 'Now its my intention to create work of my own using the knowledge and skills I have attained'. Good luck with your new venture!! Kind regards Angela
Thank you very much for accepting my friendship request - cordially welcome to my circle of friends. Compliments to your artworks!
Kind regards,
Commenti 239
It is fantastic to have your artwork displayed at the RA. I hope it leads to greater things!
All the best,
Buone cose.
Have a nice Sunday!
Many greetings,
Have a great weekend!
Best regards,
Have a great day and a nice weekend!
Best regards,
Kind regards,
La ringrazio molto per la vostra amicizia.
Cordiali saluti,
Hari Lualhati
"Mi piace" me su Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HariLualhati.Artist
Workshop online
to realize a group work / exhibition
from September 1 to November 29, 2013
The Review of Contemporary Art "Gesto Segno Disegno" at the 9th day of Contemporary Art organized by AMACI (Association of Museums d 'Arte Contemporanea Italian) is building a online workshops with the purpose of creating a work of art company, which later became a traveling group show.
By filling in a form http://www.federicocozzucoli.net/Sainte%20Chapelle_istruzioni%20e%20form%20per%20la%20partecipazione%20al%20workshop.pdf anyone interested will be able to modify the work starting with the title "Sainte Chapelle".
Kind regards,
but untill have it ill enjoy your work!
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