Inserisci commento Commenti 11 11 anni fa Tanya Bartolini Premium Artista Grazie per l'amicizia!!! 12 anni fa Barbara Pece Artista Thanks! 12 anni fa Marilena La Mantia Artista Yes, it is a leather tannery ! Many thanks for your comment ! 12 anni fa Fabiola Sperandio Artista Hi David!! Thanks a lot!! 12 anni fa Burcu Guettler Artista Thanks for your comment David. 12 anni fa Rudolf Lichtenegger Artista Dear David, thank you very much for your beautiful and kind comments to my artworks and for adding them to your favourites - I feel very pleased and appreciate it very much. Have a nice Sunday and a great and creative week! Kindest greetings, Rudolf 12 anni fa Nicci Artista, Designer, Pittore Hello David! Thank you for your friendship request. Stunning work!! 12 anni fa Birgit Oestergaard Artista Thanks you for confirming freindship and all the best to you and your work. X Birgit 12 anni fa Gianpaolo Marchesi Artista Ciao. Grazie per l'amicizia. 12 anni fa Rudolf Lichtenegger Artista Thank you for your friendship! vedi tutti i 15 commenti Inserisci commento E' necessario effettuare il login o iscriversi per inserire il commento Login
Commenti 11
Have a nice Sunday and a great and creative week!
Kindest greetings,
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