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Commenti 7

11 anni fa
Adi Artista
hey boet..nice work
Christiane Bernreuther
12 anni fa
Good luck for your great exhibition in London! I wish I could see it. Best wishes from Hamburg.
Giuseppe Figliuzzi
12 anni fa
Christiane Bernreuther
13 anni fa
Hi Lionel!
Today I visited your website and I found wonderful portraits! A great compliment for a great artist!! I am very intresting for your cataloge from 2009, where can I get him? Best wishes from Hamburg, Christiane
Birgit Oestergaard
13 anni fa
Hi Lional. thank you for freindship. I wish all the best to ylu and your great work. X Birgit
Silvio Zangarini
13 anni fa
Thanks for your frienship, hope to meet you one day.

Associazione Roberta Smedili
13 anni fa
thank you for your friendship

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